Saturday 13 June 2009

Moments with Sara Pt.3

Sara and CT will be at the airport now waiting for their long flight back to California. I had planned to telephone their hotel last night but developed a really bad sore throat with streaming eyes etc. and did not remember till way past their bedtime. Could not bear to disturb them before a long flight and sleepless night.

I'm sure that over the next few weeks Sara will have many photos on her blog. Here I continue with just a few random photos taken while driving around some local villages. There are many photographs of Finchingfield and Thaxted in previous blogs and they can be found under 'English Villages' on my sidebar.

Where we ate lunch. A centuries old pub. The waitress offered to take a photograph of the 4 of us but would you believe it, she did not click the camera properly.

More to come


  1. I's so happy to have glimpses of your visit.
    Yes, I'm longing to read and see Sara's pictures too.

  2. How picturesque!

    Sara was lucky to be able to meet you and visit in your beautiful country. Looking forward to more...

  3. What a wonderful host you are.

  4. What a lucky pair you two are, to get to meet. I guess that is the goal of each of us. Love the pictures. Blessings

  5. Finchingfield! I recognize the buildings. And the pub. What fun! So glad you had such a great time.

  6. Beautiful pictures! I dream of such cozy little villages.

    Last night, my dear husband and I watched "The Holiday." Sweet movie. And the pictures of England and cottage life there were so lovely.

    Have a beautiful weekend.



  7. Lovely tour, as always. Isn't that always the way when you ask a waitress! Anyway, at least you tried :)

  8. Fantastic! You could make some serious money as a tour guide lol. Such wonderful pictures.

  9. Quintessentially English scenes, so pleasureable to look at.

  10. Barbara,

    I came via Tea Time With Melody...
    Wow! Spectacular and awesome pictures!

    I must say that this is the first time I found an English Lady in this blog... perhaps I have missed the buttons all these while.

    I really missed places I have been in the UK. I have lived in Leeds and Newcastle-Upon-Tyne... my two girls were born there.

    Your visit to my blog is very much welcomed...

  11. I wish I could have tagged along - greedy aren't I when I've just had two fabulous weeks in Devon!!!!!

    I want to come back next year in Spring - it was all so beautiful - I'm already honesick!

  12. Absolutely enjoying pics of your time with blogging friend seeing the sights.
    So much fun.


  13. What lovely little villages. I'm sure Sara had a lovely visit.

  14. Your garden is looking beautiful Barbara. You roses are so healthy too, no sign of blackspot or rust.

    I do agree, It seems to be a very good year for strawberries, we have picked pounds from the allotment, so delicious!

    So pleased that Sara had such a fantastic trip to UK, they really did pack a lot into their three weeks. Hope all is well with you and yours Barbara. Marion

  15. How wonderful to have such a nice visit with Sara and her husband. And I'm so sorry that the photo of the four of you was botched. Ackkkk... Sometimes the little disappointments really sting. Beautiful photos and I will have to go sneak a peek at Sara's blog soon.

  16. I so enjoyed looking at these storybook images. The England of my imagination....


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