Saturday 6 June 2009

Giveaway, Awards and Gifts

And the winner for this Giveaway is.................Bennie and Patsy of "The Smith's Bennie and Patsy"

I am sure that you are both going to enjoy many moments enjoying your tea with this lovely set and probably thinking of England at the same time! Don't forget, heat the pot first and make sure that the water is boiling when it hits the leaves. Releases the oxygen.

Commiserations to all who entered and did not win!

And now to some recent awards. The first one, Your Blog is Enchanted came from

Zetor for a blog with the character of caring. Zetor thank you so much, I am honoured to receive this from you.

I pass it on to Adrienne of With a Grateful Heart

The second award Exalting Christ Blog Award came from Kim of Stamping Between the Dishes and Laundry and was created by Women to Women. Again I am honoured and very much appreciate this recognition. I pass this on to Susan of Penless Writer.

I received the above book as a gift from Susan Kelly-Skitt

Susan asked me if I was able to help her son with a school project about aspects of life in England. I was more than happy to do this for him and was glad to know that the project subsequently went very well. Susan has a page in the book telling some of her own testimony amongst over a 100 daily devotions written by different women. Thank you Susan.

And then Willow from Southern California, who stayed in our home last year sent the above gift over with Sara. Roses for Regret by Audrey Stallsmith is a book and author that I have never heard of so it should be interesting reading. The organic Earl Grey tea will accompany the reading.


  1. Your garden looks spectacular!
    Miserable weather here.

  2. Congratulations to the winner, they will enjoy their cup of tea, I'm sure.

  3. I am thrilled to win this wonderful Tea Set. Thank you very much. My e-mail is

  4. Hi, Barbara -
    Thank you for your kind 'enchanting' award. I feel honored that you would share it with me. I'll share it soon with the wonderful world of blog. I'm so glad we have become bloggy friends and I wish, oh how I wish, I could visit you sometime. Perhaps. . .

  5. Thanks Barbara for the award. Coming from you it means a lot.

  6. Congratulations on your awards and to the winners of the giveaway. I enjoyed your post today.

  7. Barbara, you are a sharp one. I did not know the smoke alarm had fallen loose. You might have saved my house from a fire. HH must fix that right now. See you never know what good things might come your way through blogging. Thanks

  8. I need a cup of comfort like that and Earl Grey would be the perfect accompiment!

  9. Congratulations on your awards. Your books look interesting. Oooo English life! I'm not sure where I would begin.


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