Wednesday 20 May 2009


I was asked by DaySpring Cards if I would review some of their 'tea related' products and have pleasure in doing so here.As I was unpacking the products soon after they arrived, Alan walked through the door and immediately said, "They are nice, aren't they".

The 3 teapots seen here easily hold 4 cups of tea or 3 mugs and they pour well with no drips. Each product has a verse of scripture amongst the design and are well made and would be a lovely addition to any kitchen or tea party. All products in my opinion would make a very nice gift.

The above link will take you to the DaySpring store where they have many more products for sale

The above teapot and cup and saucer show Psalm 126:3 "The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy". The cup is a good sized teacup but very dainty and light to hold.

Here we have a very pretty teapot, the handle on the lid being a Bluebird. The verse is Psalm 145:13 "The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made". Being English where tea has for centuries been our main drink I have to say that this cup would not be considered a teacup here as it would be too small for our regular brew. To us it would be a Demi-tasse coffee cup for strong after dinner coffee. However it would be ideal for an older person who maybe is unable to hold a large cup, or even a child. I would also make an ideal gift for someone who likes to display cups and saucers on a shelf. For myself, I am going to put mine on one of my shelves of minature books as I do have 2 sets of Demi-tasse cups. The teapot will certainly be used for tea though.

And now to the GIVEAWAY! The above set is a heavier porcelain and is microwave and dishwasher safe. The teapot as you can see has a message of Hope with the cups conveying Joy and Peace. The verse depicted is "The God of Love fill you with all Joy and Peace" Romans 15:13. This could also make an ideal gift for someone you were wanting to encourage.

If you would like to take part in this GIVEAWAY then leave me a comment saying so and please link this post on your blog. The draw will take place on
6th June It will arrive safely as it will be despatched directly from DaySpring.

Another 'tea related' product. This pretty box holds 20 cards. 10 with the design seen here on the top of the box and 10 as seen below showing the verse from

Romans 15:13 "May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace". Again a very pretty gift or a box of loving cards to send to folks.


  1. Oh these items are beautiful. I love Dayspring products anyway and am so missing my Bible bookstore where I would find such items. I appreciate your mentioning that the tea pours nicely. So many tea pots are not designed well. Thanks for doing this review and please toss my name into the cap. Thank you!

  2. I'd love to be in the give away. Thanks!

    The teapots are wonderful. It would be hard to choose one but I think in the end it would have to be the pretty purple pansies.

  3. Hi dear Barbara, the sets are all so pretty and I would love to enter your giveaway!! Hope Im lucky!! :)
    Take care. x

  4. Dearest Barbara,
    What a wonderful place to be 400th post and going!
    I have enjoyed your site and especially liked reading about your story and seeing the pictures of days gone by.

    I'd like to be entered in your give-away!

    I will have my blog-techie (Hubby)
    place your link on my site as soon as possible. I am learning as I go and sometimes it's a slow process for me.

    Congrats on the 400th post!
    So glad I know about your site and am getting to know you my English Garden Friend.

    God bless,
    HomeHaven nestled in the Kansas Flinthills

  5. I love Dayspring cards and often send them by e mail to my friends.
    I'd love to enter your giveaway...if, being in France I am permitted to? Such pretty tea sets.

  6. I'd like to be in the give away to. Thanks

  7. Came to your blog through Elizabethd and will add yours to my dove blog. I've never seen teapots and cups with quotes from the Bible on them. They are beautiful. The Hope one very appropriate for me as the mother dove of my beautiful baby doves(Victory and Purity) is called Hope! Please add my name to the giveaway. Best wishes.

  8. Count me in on this lovely give-away!

    Your tea-pots and cups are nice!

  9. What lovely tea pots with the scriptures :o)

  10. Well how special are they...absolutely lovely ;)
    I love the fact they have they scriptures on them, and the little pansy design is so sweet.. Count me in !

  11. The items are absolutely charming, Barbara. It must have been such fun to review them.

  12. Hello,

    At the moment I can't even visit my own site blog as the server is having difficulties. I would have written you via email but I can't get your email in blogger to show it to me.

    Let me know if you can view this page:

    If so, then the server is the problem and that will only take time to resolve. But if you can't see that page, then chances are your IP is blocked. If you know your IP, I will see if it can be re-established if you sent it to me. Thank you.

  13. Those items are so pretty. What a lovely giveaway.

  14. Of course it would be fun to win a give away! Isn't the little bluebird top cute?

  15. Barbara,
    Dayspring cards are always beautiful and the teapots and cups are no exception...

    I especially like the set with the words engraved on them....I would be delighted to win....


  16. I love the items in their shop. I cannot believe how my adult granddaughters are getting into tea and a wedding coming up. I would love to be included in your giveaway and I will put the link on my blog.
    Thank for the opportunity.

  17. Barbara, would you be willing to check my blog and see if I put the link in the right place? I saw so many great things. I am always needing gifts for spiritual occasions and can find them from home now. I apologize for asking this but want to make sure the site is seen. Thanks

  18. Please sign me up. These look great. These are such pretty sets. I wish we could share some hot tea and have a chat. Trish

  19. Oh I am in! Sign me up :) I love teapots. The first one is so traditional I adore it. The second one made me immediately think of my grand babies. How sweet. And the last one, well that is one awesome message to have before you while you are sipping on a cup of tea.

  20. They are lovely! Please count me in too! Tea with a message!

    I have to say the second teapot was a special favourite too regardless of the small cup!!!

  21. Lovely products from Dayspring! I would love to add any one of them to my collection of tea pots!

  22. Thank you so much for your comment. I do appreciate all my new friends. You and I are about the same age and have been married to the same man for the same number of years. We will celebrate our 50th. April 23 2010. oops that didn't come out right. Not the same same man but the one man. I understand now about the link for Day Spring.

  23. Hia Barbara, what lovely tea sets. I do like the detail of the blue bird on the teapot handle. Such a sweet touch reflecting scripture and reminding us that he know every bird and supplies their needs. Perhaps the set is aimed at having tea with little ones and starting a discussion?

    I didn't know about this company, and do like the tea set in your giveaway. I know the person I would give it to too. :-)

    If you think of how many times you stop and make a cup of tea in a day and have a quiet moment, it seems so apt to think of God then, before going off on the next spurt of activity. Lovely concept.

  24. Oh Please enter me in this wonderful giveaway!! What lovely tea pots. You are a very blessed lady!!! Thank you for sharing :O)

  25. Please enter me. Those are beautiful tea pots.

  26. This is my first visit to your lovely blog. I look forward to returning. Please enter me in this wonderful give away; I will put a link on my blog at
    I love Daysprings products.

  27. Looks lovely. I love Dayspring products, especially their cards.

    I met the editor of DaySpring at a writers conference a few years back, it's on my to-do list to submit (smile).

    I love the Scripture, The God of Love... fills us with all joy and peace. ALL! God doesn't leave any part out!

    Thank you for your lovely email too. I'm so glad the book arrived safe and sound. I pray the Lord blesses you through it.

    I also loved your tour in the post above. That little Owl was adorable! I don't get online as much as I used to but certainly enjoy my visits when I do.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  28. Absolutely gorgeous! I love tea in the evening. I checkws out the web address that you posted and what beautiful things. Pleaseput me on the list of hopeful receivers of that lovely tea pot. Keeps posting it so enjoyed!

  29. Oh, I would love to have the tea set. Please enter me in the give-away. What a fun thing to do - review tea 'things'. Glad you did and that you shared it with us. I love the things from DaySpring. ~Adrienne~

  30. very pretty- almost too pretty to use but then its too pretty not to share

  31. Love it! Thanks for the chance! I don't know how to do the link back thing, but hopefully I can still enter! Thanks!

  32. I collect teapots and this would make a great addition to my collection. Love the scriptures.

  33. They are just beautiful! Please enter me, I would love to win this!

  34. Absolutely lovely! Very very nice sets here....

  35. They are so pretty. I would love to win this for my Mom.

  36. Please enter me in your giveaway. I love Dayspring products and the tea set is beautiful! Thanks.

  37. I have never heard of Dayspring, what lovely items they have. Congrats to your 400th post, I throughly enjoy my travels through England via your blog posts. I am always checking to see where you have been!

    Yes, please enter me in your give away.

  38. Please add my name to the list for the Dayspring giveaway. I do like a teapot that pours without dripping! Dayspring also has a section to send free e-cards that is VERY NICE!

  39. These are truly lovely tea pots that I would be honored to display in my home.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.


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