Thursday 2 April 2009

More of Spring with a Memorable Moment

A camera view today. As you can see here there is still a lot of work to do on the soil after the winter. Weeding, turning over, mulching and feeding. Not one of my favourite jobs. Signs of Spring make up for it though.

And now to a memorable moment. This one is not mine but my son's and interesting enough I think to tell.
He was in Rome with a friend and as always his camera was ready. They had just finished touring a church in the city when they saw an open door that they had not yet visited. Not wanting to miss anything they walked through into a passage that led into another room. There directly in front of them was an open coffin complete with the deceased and surrounded by a group of morning women. It was a private house. They quickly put their cameras away and quietly left!! Not something to easily be forgotten.


  1. Oh dear! That sounds like something that could happen to me. (I once crashed a family reunion thinking that it was a yard sale.) Your son's experience is so much more compelling!

  2. Oh my, that would be an embarrassing moment, but one your son and friend won't soon forget.
    What wonderful spring flowers, I could almost smell the hyacinths.
    Hope that everything is going well for Jane and baby. Is Oliver excited to have a new baby in the family soon?

  3. That is, indeed, a memorable moment, and I'm with Vee, it sounds like something that would happen to my husband and me. Your garden is beautiful. It's so peaceful to look at your lovely flowers. Thank you for sharing. God bless.

  4. Oops. If the door was open from the church it was an understandable mistake. But they'll always remember that church.

    The flowers are coming along and they're beautiful!

  5. Oh my terribly embarrassing that would have been.

    Your flowers are gorgeous, Barbara. I can almost smeel them as I looked at the photos.

  6. At least he didn't snap a picture =]

    It is so exciting when the garden starts unfolding its spring fashion show.

  7. That is so funny! In a respectful way, of course.

  8. I've done something similar-not with a funeral-but walked into a house thinking it was a group dinner. It was a group dinner, just not the right one. We got some strange looks.

  9. Oh my goodness! they wont forget that visit in a hurry!
    Your Spring flowers are lovely.i have been busy with all my baby seedlings lately, and they are all coming up, which means transplanting.....

  10. I can just imagine the fragrance of your flowers (my favorite thing about flowers)!

    Well, your son and friend certainly won't forget that trip to Rome...and the story certainly makes for an interesting moment.

  11. Yes, lovely spring flowers.
    When I lived in Italy circa 1972, a friend invited me to Sunday lunch with her family.
    Thinking I should not go empty handed, I bought a little bunch of white chrysanthumums.
    The mother thanked me but looked at me a little oddly.
    Apparently white 'mums are most often put on graves....oh well...!

  12. Beautiful flowers. And who hasn't had an "oops" moment of one sort or another.

    About my "Pink post" .. our youngest (she is the adult in the next to last and has "wiskers" in the final pic) is in India this year and the city where she is celebrates "holi". A celebration of colors, where, LITERALLY, everyone throws dry or liquid colors on each other. Quite colorful, and I shouldn't have been surprised that she chose pink for the group to "share" lol!

    Thanks for posting all of the gardens that you highlight. They are so soothing on a hectic day!

    Betty :)

  13. Oh my! How embarassing is that?!
    Beautiful flowers. I so love Spring, even when it is spitting snow like today.

  14. What wonderful spring flowers -- I so love the flowers of spring and the hope we have every fall when we plant more bulbs!

  15. Mmm I can just about smell your hyacinths. I was in the garden yesterday evening. Would you believe I had a huge crop of rhubarb ready? There is something satisfying in weeding. :-) What a lovely array of dafodils.

  16. Spring! :-)

    *chuckle* That encounter of your son was sure memorable.

  17. Oh boy, I miss daffodils--they re so beautiful and in such abundance this time of yer in England and in perfect time to fill the churches for Easter. I will always remember that. Here in Colorado, I'm afraid nothing will start to grow for at least another--too icy and dry. Your garden, as always, ANYTIME of the year, is gorgeous.

  18. Your flowers just say "springtime!"
    They're all so pretty.
    I can well imagine how difficult that moment in Rome must have been.
    Leaving quickly was certainly the best thing!

  19. What beautiful flowers Barbara.


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