Friday 6 February 2009

Snow Report

The snow has nearly all gone in my neighbourhood after much torrential rain but just 30 minutes away the snow has been doing it's thing again causing chaos. Where we had rain, they had more snow.

The Severn Bridge between England and Wales had to be closed when large blocks of ice dropped from the high suspension and smashed into car windscreens. We have severe weather forecast into next week with ice being the main culprit as well as snow so it is not over yet.

A walk in the local park showed many abandoned snowballs and a pretty sky as the snow began to melt.

And here is a little British humour to lighten the day. Images from the Daily Mail newspaper. There were lots but here are just a few.

Our son is about to escape it all (if he can get to the airport) as he will be on his way to Palm Springs in Southern California again tomorrow. He chose the right time I think.


  1. The park bench proved popular!!!lol

  2. According to Chaplain Dan this morning, the American Southwest desert is warm and beautiful today. Your son should have fantastic warm weather.

    I hope you're staying warm and safe. Any more sledding?

  3. Well I am in Northern California and it is pouring rain for about another week! I hate rain, we need it badly but I still hate it. I much prefer the sunny weather. I am going to sit down and watch Anne of Green Gables I think to lighten my mood. lol

  4. The various snow men are adorable. Some people have so much imagination....and obviously time!!!

  5. Sounds like the weather we just had. Ice

  6. Hi Barbara....your son may be in for a surprise - rain! We've had rain for two days now and I think another storm is coming. But, you never know; the weather could surprise us and clear up in no time.

  7. Fun clips from the paper...yes, your son knows how to get outta town at just the right moment...can't he take you with him? ;>

  8. What fun to see the snow people. Someone had an imagination and a creative bit of extra time! ~Adrienne~

  9. I loved the snow people! It was over 60 degrees Fahrenheit here today.

  10. Some lovely piccies, glad to hear things are improving there.

  11. Love that 3rd picture...makes me think of the frozen tundra in Alaska. It's suppose to be in the 70's here today. I'm looking forward to it!

  12. Wow, that was some snow storm. I enjoyed looking at your photos. We only got a few inches here with the same storm and it was gone by early morning and turned into slush when it started raining.

  13. You've been having a really bad time down there. Hope it improves. We've had a few snow showers but they don't lie, it's mainly wet in the North East.

    Never mind the nights are getting lighter aren't they. Makes you feel better.

  14. Oh those snow pics from the paper were so funny. :-)

    There's no snow here- it tried again today but melted on contact.

  15. Creative and amusing snow sculptures! Thank you for the pics and the snow/news update!

  16. Snow marvelous snow! Of course not so when it falls off a bridge onto cars, but when in a field reflecting the rays of the sun, it is beautiful.

    Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for your prayers.

    Much love,

  17. I've been thinking about you with all the snow. We saw it on the news. I love the pic in the previous post of you on the sled. I hope your garden won't lose any plants. Looks like your having fun with it.

  18. I hope you stay warm and have a pot of hot tea ready at all times. ;-)

  19. Oh, bikinis! How could they in that weather?! We ahve been watching the British news and are amazed at the amount of snow there has been.
    Needless to say we have rain only, but a storm is forecast for tonight!


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