Thursday 1 January 2009

We Move From 2008 into 2009

Moving from 2008 to 2009 was a very special time. I never take these times for granted, I know I am truly blessed.

We began at 7.0 pm in the home of my next door neighbour (about 35 of us) where we tucked into a delicious home cooked meal of Salmon en Croute (or chicken) with new potatoes and accompanied by various salads. This was followed by a number of delicious home made deserts. I chose cooked Cheesecake topped with a large spoonful of hot blueberries and blackcurrants. All cooked by my next door neighbour - thank you Julie.

This was followed by a time of fun games and charades. I got just a little too enthusiastic when during charades I was to act out a plane crash. Having flown through the air I then crashed to the floor, literally, and my elbows and knees certainly know about it today. If I play games, I play to win - maybe one day I will have to learn to 'grow old gracefully!'

We then went into a time of praise and worship and the person leading this time talked of the number 9 being the number of the Holy Spirit. (8 is the time of new beginnings and it was certainly that for us). This was very appropriate as the vision was to know the life of the Holy Spirit living out through all of us this coming year.

To add to that I shared that the only block to this was unbelief. Like we take Salvation by faith, we also take the indwelling Life of God within us by faith. We do not look for the evidence in order to believe, but believe in order to see the evidence. Nothing we can do, we believe and God does it.

The breaking of bread together came next.

Our evening then continued with a time of praying for each other in small groups and for 10 minutes before and after midnight all voices in unison sang Holy,Holy,Holy - Show us Your Glory. We were only aware of midnight when we heard the fireworks going off in the neighbourhood.

It then takes quite a while for everyone to hug every single person and wish them a happy new year with a word in season for each. Thank you Lord for the priviledge.

I would like to thank every person that visits my blog for the comments and encouragement that you leave here. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you to those where we have met up in person, for those many E-mails, gifts and cards over the year.

I leave you with this fun card (origin not known to me) and wish everyone
A Very Blessed and fruitful 2009. Love Barbara

2008 has gone

Now we need to face 2009

There may be risks involved

We may need to face road blocks

So stay alert

Share time with friends

Jump over obstacles

With care

and caution

Face challenges

Remember to laugh



Make new friends

Be ready for adventure

Stick together

and you will be able to go far

Very far

Well, not quite that far

Always take time to smell the flowers

Don't forget to rest and relax

And don't forget those close to you


  1. Your New Year celebration sounds lovely, Barbara. Happy New Year!

  2. Barbara, what a delightful New Years Eve you had! Sounds like real fun and games were had by all. I wanted to come over and wish you a very Happy New Year, and one in which your life is filled with joy, happiness, health, prosperity, and love. I hope you and your family enjoy a very blessed 2009. Looking forward in the new year to more of your great excursions and photos from the places you visit, and flowers from your garden.

  3. Ah! so cute. Thank you for your words of faith and good fellow ship.Happy New Year to you and 12 more months of blogs.

  4. Sounds like a beautiul evening and I LOVED the cat pictures.

  5. Oh that evening sounds like fun...all except for the wild lady who took crashing literally. May you heal up quickly for anyone who can still have enjoy herself like that deserves to.

    Cute card, too. A Wonderful New Year to you!

  6. What a wonderful post! What a blessing to share the New Year's coming in with so many friends!

    And I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your kitty thoughts...I imagine I will remember those adorable faces and the words that went with them all year long!

    God bless you and yours in 2009!

  7. Your New Year's Eve celebration sounds like a wonderful time. Looking forward to what God will do through you (and me) this year.

  8. Hello Miss Barbara....thank you for telling me about this special post....all those darling kitties. I liked it so much that I put a link on my blog to your post today, so you may have some other cats coming to visit you here soon.

    Miss Kitty

  9. Happy New Year to you too Barbara... Oh those kitties are so cute, and your captions are all so true.


  10. Oh, I love little kittens. So sweet!!

    sounds like you celebrated the new year in a very good way. Enjoy it to the fullest. And thanks for sharing your little corner of the world with us!

  11. It sounds like you had a most perfect New Year's Eve celebration. Happy New Year to you...and thanks for sharing the delightful kitty card with us.

  12. Love the kitten photos. Your party sounded great. I just spent a quiet evening at home with my husband. Happy 2009.

  13. Love the kitten photos. Your party sounded great. I just spent a quiet evening at home with my husband. Happy 2009.

  14. Aren't kitty kats lovely. They are brilliant photos.

    Glad you had a lovely New Year.

  15. Happy New Year Barbara. Your celebratons sound lovely and I love the kitties!!!

  16. It sounds like it was an absolutely perfect new years for you, Barbara. May 2009 be just as wonderful.

    I love the card. Happy new year.

  17. If I play games, I play to win - maybe one day I will have to learn to 'grow old gracefully!'

    Don't do it Barbara...ever. I know that is just how you live your life too, to win always for Him.

    I am taking your words to heart about this up and coming year. I will choose believing Him...Amen!

  18. What a wonderful way to start the new year. I do hope you are recovered from your fall.

  19. Happy new year Barbara. Did you take all these kitty photos? They are lovely.

  20. Cute!

    The holidays are over;
    January is here.
    Just stopping in
    To wish you A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


  21. That sounds like the kind of party I love! Not focused on drinking, but on companionship, laughter, games and fun. Perfect to welcome in the new year with prayer and song. Mau your 2009 be blessed with abundant peace, joy and kindness!

  22. Barbara: Here'swishing you a very happy New Year....

  23. Happy New Year Barbara and what a lovely way to see it in surrounded by friends and faith.

    Naaar grow old gracefully another day. I keep telling the children that one day I'll be a real grown up instead or pretending to be one when we have adult company. :-) Keep your youthful spirit hun- you'll have far more fun. There's years ahead for sitting still and being decorative. :-)

    Yes the gloves do become mittens- fabulous design well spotted! Thank you for the compliment. I don't ususally dress up.

    Cute kittens. :-)

  24. Sounds like a fun and blessed New Year! I would love to have seen the Charades!

    Happy New Year!

  25. The cats were a delight!
    Hope you are recovered from your spill!
    Happy 09

  26. Sounds like a wonderful celebration and I loved the kitty piccies. Happy New Year Barbara.

  27. Totally charming New Year pictures! I wish you a wonderful 2009! Peace, good health and joy!

  28. HI, BArbara - Thanks for visiting my blog! Tonight the temperature here in Alberta is -10 degrees Celsius. Only in Alberta do we get these swings - but I'll take the increased warmth any way it comes :))

    I liked your description of the New Year's Eve celebration - it sounds like a marvelous way to begin a year. And your picture card is very cute!

    See you again soon!

  29. What a wonderful evening with your neighbors. I would have loved to have seen you act out the plane crash !
    The kitties are adorable.

  30. Your evening sounds wonderful - I hope the bruises have now healed.
    Happy New Year to you!

  31. Great way to start the New Year and I love the photos.
    Happy New Year!


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