Saturday 29 November 2008

Dedham Village, Essex Pt. 2

Having eaten in the 16th century Teahouse and browsed around the very lovely church which I will do as a seperate post sometime, we are going to walk up and down the main street which is basically the village. I'll be taking pictures randomly as we walk along.

Essex, like Suffolk is known for it's pretty coloured houses. The interesting thing about this street is that the houses are all so different and from different eras. Do look at the previous post if you have not already done so as a look at this village would not be complete without the Teahouse.

Another Pub

The shops are as interesting as the houses

See the stork in the dorma window

Looking back

Alan at 5 foot 8 inches might have made it through this door
My dear hubby is as much a part of this blog for as you will see,
I carry the camera while he carries a ladies bag and the shopping

The Old Mill

and the river
which is next to the car park so
we are off home now to prepare that beautiful fresh fish for the freezer
It has been a good birthday trip
but it is always nice to get home


  1. very interesting this place.
    i'de like to invite you to visit my blog.
    if you like it youc can follow it.

    see you

  2. Yes it's always nice to get home. My father used to sing a little jingle every time we would return home "jiggie jig, jiggie jig, it's good to be home again". Funny how this post reminded me of that, although I always think of it as we pull our car into the garage when we return home from a trip. Pleasant memories.

  3. Beautiful as all of Britain.

  4. What a lovely stroll through the village! Thank you for taking us along with you.

  5. A lovely visit, I'm glad you stopped and took your gorgeous photos so you could share it with us. Thank you Barbara.

  6. Well, Barbara, you did it again...transported me to an interesting village with fantastic scenery and architecture.

    Take care...Betty

  7. What lovely photos and a great husband to carry your stuff too!

  8. Yes, I saw the stork, the square clock...very interesting...and Alan's contributions to this blog do not go unappreciated! :D

    Very pretty town, wonderful colors, delightful shops. I really like the shop with the three lampshades (I think) done in deep blue with the white vine. Very nice.

    Hope that you're enjoying wonderful Sunday afternoon!

  9. What a fun birthday trip you have had. I enjoyed all of your pictures thanks for sharing

  10. How unusual to see the colors of the houses. I really enjoyed that.

    You have a good hubby to carry the bag and pose for all of us!!

    Guess getting another year older was definitely worth the trip.

  11. You have a cute husband.

    Those old houses and shops were great--if only the walls could talk and we could walk through them all listening to the old stories.

  12. I'm glad you had a lovely birthday trip Barbara. The village is so pretty. I miss seeing historical buildings like that. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Some splendid houses as ever -- and a nice tribute to the long-suffering Alan.
    Have a super weekend.


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