Sunday 9 November 2008

Autumn Views from My Garden

Having got back quite late Thursday and then family over for further celebration followed by a Firework Party with several house churches together tonight, and possibly no opportunity tomorrow because of important meetings, I have yet to sort out any of my photos from my birthday celebration trip. So what have I done, gone straight out into my garden to capture some of the Autumn beauty to share with you in the meantime.

Autumn reflection through a bathroom window

Looking out

Zooming out

Random shots outside

Combined with a touch of Summer (Rosebuds)


  1. Barbara, I've been thinking about you on your birthday trip! I hope your time away was wonderful.

    Belated Happy Birthday!

  2. Hi Barbara -
    The views of your garden are wonderful. Such gorgeous colors! I can't wait to hear all about your birthday trip.

  3. Very lovely garden views, as always.

  4. The colors are glorious - particularly in that last shot!

  5. Beautiful view into the garden, Barbara. The colors all look so much like autumn.

    Happy belated birthday wishes. Don't they say that the 70s are the new 50s?

  6. Such colors!

    You sound as if you've been very busy and are about to be even wishes for a wonderful week.

  7. Quintessential fall colours! Lovely. I look forward to seeing the photos from your birthday trip!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  8. Rosebuds in November are always a treat.
    Lots of roses still blooming on the Hudson River bike path when we were out being energetic today.
    Looking forward to your Suffolk pictures.

  9. Lovely autumn photos of your garden. Sometimes real life just takes over from blogging life.

  10. Lovely fall colors! And I especially like your sweet newly wed photo on your sidebar!

  11. Very lovely pictures! Now I am patiently waiting to hear about the birthday trip.

  12. Happy Belated Birthday Barbara. It does seem that the colours of autumn are celebrating your birthday festively too!

    Lovely images in your post today, I think I like the last one best.

    Many best wishes for the upcoming year ahead, may it be a wonderful one for you!~

  13. Welcome home Barbara....looking forward to hearing about you 'birthday' get-away.....Betty

  14. Thanks for taking a moment to capture those colors. I know that here when you don't take pictures one day, the tree can lose half its beautiful leaves overnight! Have to get those pictures when you can. Hope your birthday was wonderful and the time with your family special.


  15. I think your autumn garden is as beautiful as your summer one! I can't wait to hear about your birthday trip! And happy birthday to Alan, too!

  16. Your views are just gorgeous....I just love Fall!

    Happy be-lated Birthday Barbara!

  17. Hi Barbara your mahonia is gorgeous! Love the colours. Autumn is definately my fav season, but I am making tentative steps now into making for Christmas.

    I'm looking forward to hearing all about your birthday trip and the places you visited, so i'll get comfy and open the biccys. :-)

    Welcome home.

  18. belated birthday greetings to you Barbara.

  19. Ohhh… that last shot, with your bench in the background… pure loveliness!

  20. Beautiful pictures! You have a gorgeous yard. I hope you had a fabulous birthday! We must know details about your birthday extravaganza. Bless you!

  21. The colours are in full bloom, aren't they? And I note you still have leaves. They've all gone by now here!

    BTW, one of the biggest concerns with Obama is if he does what he said would do when speaking to Planned Parenthood back in the primaries and which he said would be "the first thing" he'd do if becoming President--sign the "Freedom of Choice" (FOCA) act which would make America the most easy abortion country in the world where one could have an abortion anytime for any reason--by him removing any and all regulations and term limits, etc. Also, he has said that he will try to repeal DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) that Pres. Clinton signed way back, thereby forcing all Sates to recognize gay marriage, opening up the door for adoptions too, etc.

    My family in England says none of the above is ever mentioned in the media there, so thought you might like to know!

    If you include b'day photos, that would be fun, btw.


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.