Wednesday 8 October 2008

A Walk on Rainham Marshes

Would you like to come on another walk with me, this time it is Rainham Marshes, beside the River Thames and is the southernmost part of my neighbourhood. The weather is cloudy with some drizzle but we will enjoy it all the same. (We actually did this walk 2 weeks ago but this week we have warm sun and blue skies). This area is now a wildlife reserve and a place for many wading birds to visit. Godwits, Little Grebes, Avocets, Egrets,Lapwings, Redshanks, Gulls and other marshland birds.

Our first view, having parked the car, is of the River Thames. The city of London is down the river to the right.

We are going to walk 3 miles along the paths and walk boards through the Reed beds with other bits of interest along the way.

The outdoor cafe is closed at this time of year

This area has a history from the time of the First World War when it was used as a firing range to train soldiers and some have used their artistic skills to depict this

An old firing range

The remains of a look out post along the Thames

From the old to modern day. This is the Eurostar train which will be under the Channel and in France well before we get home.

The visitors centre and cafe in the distance

We have finished our walk now and are enjoying some hot tea and although it does not look much, this is the best Cherry and Almond Cake that I have ever tasted. Very almondy with large juicy cherries, a lovely firm but light texture (no sogginess or dryness) and thick icing.


  1. Oh, wait! Order a piece for me too! And a lovely cup of that nice strong English tea with milk! :D

  2. Three miles? I feel all done in after just my mile and a third. :D You're obviously a seasoned walker.

    Interesting to see the walkway, which is like those we have along the beaches, but nowhere else.

    The cake looks yummy and I'd love to have been there enjoying a piece along with you and a nice, bracing cup of tea.

  3. You have a way of making me sooo homesick! And you ahd tea out again! If only I could do that. Wonderful walk--thank you. I truly loved it. It's amazing how rural it can get not that far from the city.

  4. Can you send me a piece of that cake too? I adore cherries.

  5. I love a good walk! And a spot of tea, or a pint at the pub, at the end makes it perfect :-) (That cake looks delicious!)

  6. I want to go on a walk with you.....what a wonderful adventure. And then the cup of tea.....such a nice outing. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Cherry and almond cake for tea...I'll be right over!

    I can just imagine how very good that would be after a walk on a cloudy, drizzly day out in the marshes.

  8. Hi Barbara, I just got your images. I have been having problems with my email server and haven't been able to access it for a few days. I can't send any email out so this is my only way to contact you. I'll work on your header and get it out to you as soon as I can. Sorry for the delay. I just wanted to let you know I haven't forgot about it.

  9. Very nice post - Regard for You! steven may

  10. A lovely very English walk.
    The Essex marshes are wonderful and much under-rated.
    I always enjoy your tea shop visits. A very important part of the trip.
    Your comments on the cake sounds just like what the judges used to write about cakes at the WI village flower show when I was a child.My mother was once most cast down when they said her fruitcake was no good because the dried fruit had sunk to the bottom!

  11. Hi Barbara, thanks for a lovely trip. We have a wetlands area near us called Martin Mere. The sky was full of V formation pink footed geese the other day heading for there to rest at night. They leave and graze during the day. Do you have them there? It was fascinating to hear the history too. I know so little about Essex beyond Boudicca's rampage in 61ad. I think I have a lot of catching up to learn from you. :-0


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