Saturday 27 September 2008

Shades of Autumn Today

Bird in the mist taken in my garden in the morning
When I looked out of the window at 6.45 am I could not see past the glass

I walk to my local park (3 minutes away) in the afternoon and notice the beginnings of Autumn amidst a clear blue sky.

I walked with my face lifted to the sun and savoured the warmth remembering how I take it for granted when we are getting lots of it. The mellowness, the still air and quietness that only this season can bring. Even the aeroplanes sound different as they drone overhead.

This is where I picked four and a half pounds of Blackberries last week in spite of the stained hands full of thorns. It was worth it. They are now in the freezer.

A blot on the landscape for some and free expression for others

I meet this beautiful kitten who could not have been more than six weeks old and we greet each other. Can I possibly pick him up without taking him home. I did but can't imagine someone letting such a young kitten out. I hope he lives near and has a good home.

The children's voices seem to carry further on the still Autumn air too.

Now it's back home to Apple and Cinnamon Cake which seemed appropriate for the season.
I will finish my Yorkshire posts this coming week, I have not deserted them.


  1. Autumn is certainly in the air. Our trees are changing colour, so I must get out and get some photos.
    You were mentioning about a different header. If you have a photo in mind, let me know, and I would be glad to make one for you.

  2. Your detour through Shades of Autumn today was delightful. Now I just want to sit down with a cute kitten, a cup of coffee, and a piece of your delicious looking cake.

  3. I loved joining you on your autumn walk. The blackberries look great - I picked bucketsful several weeks ago. So nice in the morning on cereal or to make a cobbler/crisp for dessert.


  4. Yummy! May I help myself to a piece? I have a wonderful recipe for blackberry muffins you might like.

    We are beginning to see the same bits of fall color in the leaves. No lovely fog, yet, though.

  5. What a lovely day for you to enjoy. I wish I lived closer. I would definitely knock on your door this afternoon for some apple cake!

  6. Your walks and rambles are so soothing and gentle. I love walking with you. I don't think I could have resisted the sweet kitty but I suspect it knows its way home. The apple/cinnamon cake smells suspiciously like the cinnamon toast wafting from my kitchen as I type. Someone is hungry.

  7. Ooooh the blackberries look yummy. I would pick them too. Love the shrubs and trees with all the red berries on them. I love the way you describe your walk. It made me feel like I was there.

  8. We had fog several time this week, too. The bread looks yummy!!! We are still in the upper 80's. I heard a report today we will probably have frost within 4-5 weeks.

  9. Beautiful and lovely as is all that you post.
    Love and hugs

  10. I enjoy your blog so much! I love everything British and your photos and commentary are always so uplifting, inspiring, and beautiful.

  11. It stayed misty here until lunchtime but that didn't prevent the invalid (husband with broken thumb) from going apple picking.

  12. You could have been walking in our neighbourhood...we are just beginning to see the first colours of autumn out here. Your 'bird in the mist' is beautiful!

  13. mmm everyone is baking spicy breads...

    I am still in Autumnal denial over here. Our temps are just getting a little on the chilly side.

    I think we have one more week left of Indian summer...than I will try to focus on autumn =]

  14. Hi Barbara, thank you so much for stopping by to check in on me during my absence. I have been away for a couple of weeks and only had internet access for part of one day during that time. I have lots to catch up on and will be doing that in the next few days. I am looking forward to reading back through your Yorkshire posts. You are so thorough and generous in sharing your knowledge of those lovely places. Of course, your pictures of the beautiful arches and lovely architectural details has my artist's eye wanting to grab a pencil. Thanks again for checking in on me.


  15. Isn't Autumn the greatest? I need to get busy and bake something with apples or cinnamon in it.

  16. Oh, Barbara, such a beautiful walk through an English autumn morning. Thank you so much!

  17. How wonderful too see the early morning misty garden! We actually had a touch of that here yesterday morning too!

    Love your photos of all the different berries and fall colors and the kitten too.

    I'm sure the stained hands and thorn pricks are well worth those luscious berries!

  18. Your pictures are great. I especially loved the bird and your new friend, the kitty. Isn't autumn such a wonderful season? I also must comment that your cake looks yummy.

  19. Hello Barbara.....

    Mists and mellow fruitfulness...... would be very fitting for this post.

    I enjoyed your walk..... yes autumn smells fill the air right now. We have certainly been blessed with glorious weather in recent days..... which has been all the more appreciated because of the relentless rain we’ve all experienced.

    Loved your pictures..... berries and rose hips and Oh! that little kitty. I’ve been out picking blackberries too..... they are frozen away together with bags of apples to enjoy during the winter months. The apple and cinnamon cake looks quite delicious Barbara. Have a good week. Marion

  20. Such lovely evocations of the changing season.
    Autumn/fall is positively my best time of year.
    Thank you so much again for a wonderful day and a very kind post.
    See mine for today!

  21. I love all that you share.
    Thanks for your visits and kind words.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  22. I would love to take the kitten home!

  23. The first photo of the bird in the mist is just lovely :-)

  24. Isn't it lovely to taste the Autumn? My favourite!

  25. I too love blackberry picking, and I harvest the very last ones from my parents' blackberry bushes last weekend when I was there for a visit. I nearly missed the opportunity this year, so I was thankful to get the chance to get a little pricked and stained for the sake of the sweet reward. I wrote about the experience last year on my blog, actually. A fellow blackberry lover might appreciate it: .


  26. I have to catch up a lot of posts you made and I'm glad to see that you're having a good time. It's always a special event to have the visit of a blogger friend. I like to read your reports from Yorkshire. There are so many intersting places you visited.

  27. Beautiful pictures....and poor kitty! Our blackberries turn ripe in February. We have some in the freezer waiting, waiting, waiting....


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