Monday 1 September 2008

Scenes from Nidderdale, Yorkshire Pt.4

It's our second day in Yorkshire and we are driving out to Nidderdale to enjoy some of the beautiful countryside.

What's this blot on the landscape - an American airbase

We stop at Darley Mill for coffee and a browse

And quite soon after stop at Plateley Bridge for lunch

The mantel over the doorpost says 1661 but I omitted to photograph it

Let's continue over the moors

And past the resevoir

Passing a Beck

And a couple of villages

And a farm yard
We will shortly be stopping to explore How Sean Gorge but that will take another post
Hope you are enjoying the ride


  1. It's always a pleasant ride with you, Barbara. I see that the skies still look unsettled, but the moor is beautiful. I've read so much about the wild and wonderful moors that I love to see them in your photos.

  2. Nice shots. Good the see the sun trying to poke through!

  3. What beautiful photos. I love the ones of the moors and the winding country roads that I read of so often in English novels. Makes me long to visit.


  4. Hi Barbara,

    Your pictures make me want to jump on a plane and visit the English countryside. Too beautiful for words.

    Have a marvelous week.

  5. Yes, I am enjoying the ride...especially over the vari-shaded green moors....

    I would need at least an hour in that sweet thoroughly review the merchandise!

  6. Thoroughly enjoying the ride. Wonderful photos. The weather lloks good too, which is an added bonus. Hope the sweets weren't as old as the sweet shop, lol!

  7. Such a beautiful place - England!

  8. So wonderful a place. The ride along was very serene. Love the beautiful greens of the country side.

  9. Just beautiful. The countryside is so green. So different from California where its only green in the spring and then turns golden.
    I love the way they turned the old piece of machinery into a planter!

  10. These photos show the countryside to be much like what I imagine it to be. The stone fences are amazing... still standing after all these years, and can you imagine the backbreaking work to dig all those stones out of the ground in preparation for farming? It makes me tired just thinking of it. Beautiful, serene, green... ahhhh.

    :-) Christi

  11. The ride is quite enjoyable! Beautiful countryside....

    ...and what did you select for lunch from that menu on the wall? It all looked tempting to me.

  12. Beautiful! Lots more trees that I was expecting. Did you happen through the village of Routh? That is where my ancestors are from. Love taking this trip with you...wish it had been in person!

  13. Beautiful pics Barbara. The moors are so lush with the rain we've been having. Your roses are beautiful too in the previous post.

  14. I love going along your trips and seeing your wonderful pictures of the English countryside. I love the stone walls and those lovely rolling green moors.

    I also love the fact that stopping for coffee and lunch at gorgeous little villages along the way also play an important part in your trip ;) I'll always be up for that lol.

    Lovely post, Nel x

  15. Incredibly beautiful!
    My favorites are the moor images,
    magnificent landscapes.

  16. What fabulous pictures! You go to some of the most beautiful places. It looks so quaint and so different from our scenes here. Oh I wish to come to England again someday. You have wonderful pictures.

  17. Barbara, I felt like I was looking at a picture book - beautiful! You know, most people who live in an interesting area never take the time to explore their own "backyards". You are wise to do this!

    And about that waterswing, (you know what I'm talking about), I could picture you taking the plunge. You're an adventurer heart and soul!

  18. Hello Barbara...wonderful photo's once again, we just love going on all your trips with you...What a wonderful way to see your part of the world.

    Continue to have fun and looking forward to more photo's!

  19. Wow! Could it get anymore charming? PS-I was in Sherborn, near all of those villages that you've posted on before.

  20. Barbara, I have left you an award on my blog. And it is true, I truly love your blog!


  21. Hi Barbara,

    Thank you for stopping by. I always appreciate it.

    I am hoping your week is going well.

  22. really beautifuly post ! steven

  23. This is my first visit to your blog and I have enjoyed it very much. My husband and I were in Yorkshire, very briefly, in June and we loved it.

  24. How lovely Barbara! We once did a five day walk from Settle to Harrogate and passed through Nidderdale. It all looks so familiar. The Yorkshire Dales are wonderful, even in the rain!

  25. What gorgeous scenery, and it looks as though you has a lovely day to enjoy it!


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