Tuesday 16 September 2008

Harrogate Town Centre,Yorkshire Pt. 10

We actually based ourselves in Harrogate whilst staying in Yorkshire and our apartment is in walking distance of the town centre. It is the middle of the week and we plan to just wander around today and if you come with me I will show you how scenic it is. We will be taking our lunch and tea at Betty's (next post).

Harrogate is a Royal Spa town where people used to come to drink the waters for it's health giving properties and also bathe in them. They contain chalybeate(iron), sulphur and saline. Today there are 18 underground springs left under the town.

Harrogate is also known for it's open green spaces and wonderful flower displays. It would be impossible to photograph everything but I will show you just a few, so come on and enjoy the flowers. No sun today but at least it is dry.

The Royal Baths (sorry about the skip, they are doing renovations). The main focus here is the Turkish baths and one can have various spa treatments as well as swim. I really would have liked to have booked a session but we had crammed so much into the week that there just was not time.

An outpost of the Ripley's ice-cream place that we saw in the last post.

Betty's on the corner to the left of the picture - more in next post

One can still buy the water to drink here but they are quite salty and bitter, just like the water in the Spa town of Bath.

I liked this Wisteria trunk


  1. Spectacular! I enjoyed the walk with you.

  2. That wisteria trunk is just like sculpture! I like the photo where the man looks startled to see you taking his photo and tries to sidestep...too cute.

    Beautiful gardens and luscious flowers...not to mention the wonderful parks and the architecture.

  3. The Valley Gardens and the Stray...now I'm really homesick. I used to live a short walk from the Valley Gardens and my Mum still lives in the town.

    I love that delightful fountain in the Valley Gardens. Did you know that it was stolen some years back and it was recovered? Can you imagine anyone stealing a fountain???

    Marie x

  4. Oh my stars.....that place is lovely and when I clicked to enlarge the flower photos.......Breathtaking!!!

  5. The wisteria trunk is marvelous! And I especially like that pretty willow tree. ;^)

  6. Love your photos. What a shame you missed going to the baths. Sometimes Jemima and I go there and spend the afternoon wafting between hotrooms, steam rooms and the icy plunge pool!

  7. The gardens are amazing. I love that wisteria trunk too. What a great idea. The fountain with the kids playing on top is really neat.

  8. "No sun today but at least it is dry."I had to smile when I read this for England is just like Oregon in that respect.Big grin here.Any dry day here is a good day.Thank you for sharing such lovely images of your country with us.~Sharon

  9. Such wonderful pictures. Those flowers are just gorgeous. You visit some of the neatest places. I always enjoy your little trips. I just wish I were there in person.

  10. Yes you are the Barbara I was tagging...I left you a tag back in Pt.9
    Interesting to know we have some similar quirks =]

    Love the wisteria trunk too!

  11. Another place I have not visited. Thanks for the photos. I love the fountain with the children, really nice!

  12. I never get tired of Bristish gardens.

  13. Hia Barbara, thanks for the tour of Harrogate. My hubby had grandparents there so spent some of his hols there are a child. It looks so beautiful. Yes I liked the wisteria trunk too. Such a gorgeous plant.

  14. Beautiful gardens...amazing wisteria trunk. I have baby wisteria (2 years old) and can't imagine that they may someday look like that!

  15. The angel picture really stopped me. Was this a church at one time?


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