Tuesday 23 September 2008

Fountains Mill & Fountains Hall,Yorkshire Pt.14

The only 12th century Cisterian Cornmill in Britain and one of only a few surviving in Europe.

I liked this roof

The history of the Hall is shrouded in mystery and many legends have sprung up about it, including it being a hiding place for Catholics during the Civil War, and being haunted by the Blue Lady.

Fountains Hall was built by Sir Stephen Proctor between 1598 and 1604, partly with stone from the Abbey ruins. It was built during the peaceful and prosperous final years of the reign of Elizabeth I. The building style has been attributed to the influence of the Elizabethan architect Robert Smythson, who designed Burton Agnes Hall and Hardwick Hall.

Proctor re-used sandstone blocks and a stone staircase from the abbey, but had fresh limestone cut for the windows and main façade. Still visible today, are Sir Stephen's initials and bade (an otter with a fish in its mouth) carved in stone over the impressive entrance.

In 1604 Proctor played host to the young prince destined to become the ill fated Charles I, during his first royal progress from London to Edinburgh.

After Proctor's death in 1619, the Hall eventually came into the hands of distant relatives, the Messenger family. They were Recusants [Catholics] but outwardly conformed to the Protestant religious settlement: this enabled them to lead quieter lives and may have preserved their finances, but they were still denied much social and all political positions.

The Entrance Hall

I'm having a blogging friend coming to lunch and tea tomorrow. She lives most of the year in a very hot country and spends the Summer in New York. Any guesses? Stay tuned and all will be revealed.


  1. Hi and hello! I feel blessed to have come upon your blog and I leave feeling uplifted and amazed by all its beauty. I' ve spent time among the buildings and gardens of England and now I return to my apartment in Sweden, satisfied and yet well travelled. Thank you so much for the tour. Best regards from Kerstin Z In Stockholm

  2. You're having lunch with Elizabeth?! I am soooo envious! Wish I were there, too. Tell her "hello" from her bloggies, Willow in particular, and you two have a lovely time. :)

    You didn't see the Blue Lady lurking around anywhere, did you?

  3. I feel well travelled too!

  4. Oh you'll have great fun with your blogging buddy, I'm sure.

    Another interesting and informative post. I, too, liked that roof, but worry about it rotting out. A local man planted window boxes along the edge of his roof...it looked beautiful, but resulted in massive repairs to the roof after just three short months. I gather that this sort of thing is common for your corner, though, and that the roof is well suited for it.

  5. It's Elizabeth! Greetings to both of you! I wish I could join you.

    I would not be surprised if Fountains Mill was used as a refuge/hiding place for Catholics, considereing its proximity to Ripley Hall.

  6. Oh, wow, Barbara, what wonderful history lessons!!! and beautiful photos!!! BTW, you won one of the drawing prizes, so could you please send me your postal addy again...I know I have it but I am still trying to wash, dry, and put away stuff.

    Love ya!

  7. Your posts are always full of such history! That roof is interesting..
    Have a great time with your blogging buddy.

  8. Have a lovely time with your friend. Does she have a house in Marakesh?

    Fascinating place. I really really am going to have to toddle over the moors for a look next year.

  9. Arent those ceilings amazing.I'd love to take a closer look.

  10. I've had a fun time catching up on your blog this evening....Life has been way too busy here lately in MT land....

    Great photo's...KM


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