Thursday 28 August 2008

Spofforth Castle Ruins and Plumpton Rocks, Yorkshire Pt. 3

After spending our day at Knaresborough we took a detour and visited a couple of places on our way back. Here you see the ruins of Spofforth Castle. It was right in the middle of the village of Spofforth and initially we drove right past, not expecting that.

The castle was actually the Manor House of the Percy family. He came here from Normandy in 1067 after the Norman conquest of Britain. He was rewarded by William the Conqueror who granted him 86 Lordships in Yorkshire.
The castle dates from the thirteenth century and was reduced to ruins during the English Civil War.

Passing the gardens of Plumton Rocks we dropped in there for a visit too. Having walked miles and miles already today, we clamered down steep and slippery wooded slopes to reach this tranquil lake, overshadowed by dramatic millstone grit rocks.
As one walks, slithers, slides up and down the wooded slopes of the Plumpton area there are rocks of interest at every turn.
The garden has been used in numerous television productions including Blake's Seven, Heartbeat, Emmerdale and the Muppet show. Legend has it that Robin Hood hunted deer here.
A map of the Manor of Plumpton, prepared for William de Plumpton in 1587, depicts the lake, woods and road exactly as they are today.

If you are joining me on this tour then tomorrow we will be driving over the Dales and Moors


  1. Hia Barbara, are you heading my way? I do love the moors.

    Thanks for the tour of the castle and gardens. I've not been there either. Castles have sucha special atmosphere. You can't help but wonder who lived there over time and what they thought.

  2. The Manor of Plumpton sounds like where I should be banished to when I eat too many sweets!

    I am so enjoying this tour and look so forward to the Dales and Moors!!

  3. I wouldn't miss the trip to Dales and Moors. Sure am enjoying the tour. I started very young in married live and I was 20 when I had this ggson's, grandmother.
    Will be happy to get the award. how do I do that?

  4. I am constantly amazed at your artist's eye with the camera. Your photos are really great. Thanks for sharing such a wealth of beauty in God's creation and fascinating historical information with us!


  5. this question shows my ignorance but when was the english civil war? : )
    I am so bad at history.
    very interesting post and history.

  6. I love castles, as you know, and I'm fascinated with castle ruins. I always ask, Who lived there? Why is it ruined? Who owns it now? Could I live there???!

    Thank you for sharing these photos with us!

  7. When seeing all the interesting and beautiful places you visited and presented in your posts, I know that I still have to visit Great Britain many, many times ;-) and not only once a year! Thank you for all the tours!
    Have a nice Sunday!

  8. Stunning scenery! And the old stone ruins....I can never get enough of those....why aren't I living in England...every day's walk would be a revelation of the past.....the ancient era still so alive....


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