Tuesday 15 July 2008

July Musings and This Week's Garden

Computers!!!!! As it happens I can do far less than I at first realised on Alan's computer. He does not have 'Word' or 'Excell' or anything like that. He uses it mainly for the internet and languages (he is a fluent German speaker and dabbles in a number of other languages, including Russian). Added to that he likes 'flying' with his Flight Simulator and that is about it.

Worse than that, when I came to connect my external hard drive it turns out that nothing is backed up since it was first installed at Christmas! I have missed something somewhere. So I cannot access any of my photos either.

I think I am learning a great lesson here - do not take anything for granted with computers and check everything regularly. Do not leave those necessary jobs like sorting and filing photos and getting them onto disk etc. Keep stuff backed up and up to date and check that this has been done, do not assume.

So for the immediate future I can only post newly taken photos.

It seems so much of the practical side of my life is contained in my computer. Who would have thought how much we would come to relpy on these machines.

It's quite a busy week anyhow. Our church is continuing it's nightly prayer and praise time. These evenings have been excellent. Pilgrims Hall, the retreat centre that I am involved with is celebrating it's 40th anniversary this coming weekend so I am heavily involved with that. We have a whole weekend of outdoor praise and worship in the grounds. There are many local Christian worship groups taking part so this will be an ongoing and continuous thing throughout the weekend except Saturday evening when there will be a more formal gathering. Sunday morning many local churches are coming together for worship and the breaking of bread, after which the outdoor worship will continue. For those that are camping they will be in a constant atmosphere of praise. Alan and I will be part of the team in the prayer tent. I am sure I will have some photos after the weekend. At least they will not be locked up in my computer!

Hoping to take a break tomorrow and have a day out - more photographs!

For the moment I can leave you with some photos of my garden this week.

This was how I spent yesterday - so much pruning once the flowers fade

Looking through the window from my potting shed

Well into the Lavender season - I have 15 bushes in all


  1. Hi Barbara from my side of the world to yours! Your gardens are lovely. I really like the view from your potting shed. I would L-O-V-E to walk through your garden and visit with you. Maybe followed with a cup of tea.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving your sweet comments. I wish you could join me in the evening for a visit under the lights.

    Have a wonderful time this weekend. I'm looking forward to hearing more.

  2. Love to read your blog. Hope you get back on track soon.
    Patsy USA

  3. Hi Barbara...your garden is flourishing...I took a close look at the pond and goldfish...I do love a water feature in a garden...very pretty. I can only imagine having lovely lavender in my garden...what a blessing...Best wishes...Dee Dee

  4. Lovely Clematis! Yes I know all about backing up after losing lots of photos. Never again!

  5. Sorry to hear that you have continuing computer problems. How maddening!
    Yes, we rely far too much on them. Says me - who got a new computer yesterday since I had worn the letters off the old one.
    Anyway your garden is full of seasonal delights. Yes, lavender does wonderfully well in your part of the world and then you can make lavender bags and sell them at the Christmas Bazaar. Do such things still exist? They were a great excitement in my childhood.

  6. Your time of prayer & praise together sounds WONDERFUL!!! Wish we could be there. And the churches getting together on Sunday is fantastic. I will be so eager to see those pictures.

    We are having what is called The Tulsa Call (in preparation for a national call to prayer in Washington DC) on Thursday night at one of Tulsa's largest churches and many will come together for this. God truly is calling His people to prayer all around the world. It is so exciting.

  7. The garden is glorious. Do you harvest all that lavender?

    I am so sorry about your computer woes. Having lost a lot of photographs in one awful crash a year and a half ago, I can sympathize. All the photos of my first grandson's first year gone; it still gives me a pang. So your word of caution is a timely one and I think I should go find my disks and get busy with this task as much of a pain as it is.

    Hope that it all works out fine for you!

  8. Hi Barbara. It's been awhile since I've left a comment. Your gardenis beautiful. You grow such wonderful gardens in England.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  9. Barbara, isn't it incredible to think we once manged life perfectly fine without computers, much less blogging?! How life changes.

    What's happening in your church? If I'm ever in your neck of the woods, I'd like to visit one day.

  10. Nightly prayer and praise with your church... how wonderful! The outside worship is something you have posted about before and I thought it was such a beautiful way to give glory and honor to the Lord. I love the coming together and unity of the local churches in worship as yours will be this weekend. How powerful because of the love that will be the breaking of bread in this group. I will be thinking of you over the weekend.

  11. Oh,and your flowers are just lovely. How pretty the colors are.

  12. I'm so glad you are at least able to post something from Alan's computer. (Do say hi to him from us!) I have a friend who refuses to get email and when we communicate we write letters and mail them to each other. Stone age technology! We do rely on our computers so much. But if we didn't have the internet we'd not have the world connections we have now! And that is truly a blessing!

    Looking forward to hearing more about Pilgrim Hall's celebrations.

  13. Barbara we learned the same bitter lesson when our computer died a month or so ago....all pics from March onward were gone for good....Luckily I had also downloaded at work computer....so some were salvaged. Some but not all.

    Your clematis is lovely! Mine is starting to fade....

    YOur lavendar is amazing. How you would laugh at my one little pot of it!

    p.s. I love your water feature.I'd like to see more of it.

  14. I'm backing up my photos right now.

  15. I am so glad that things are going well in your church meetings. It sounds wonderful.

    The garden is as beautiful as ever. I love the flowers which make the prunning worth it, I would say. Hope you continue to have great days, and evenings. connie from texas

  16. Hello Barbara...I've been catching up on your blog this afternoon. I've been away and off the computer for a week or so...this moving stuff takes a lot out of ya!

    Sorry to read about your computer issues, not fun, I panic when my wireless connection wants to act up and I can't get on....

    Your garden looks so pretty, you and my sister the ladies with the green thumbs!! When our new home is ready for some landscaping and plantings, I'm calling up Cindy and telling her it's time to design my garden's!!


  17. I learned the lesson about backing up computer stuff too. I did it, now I just do it a lot more often. You just never know when a computer is going to take a dump.
    Darn things, can't live with em and can't live without em :)
    Love your clematis. WOW !!!

  18. Your church sounds fascinating, it is wonderful to get together for praise and worship...and out of doors too!

  19. Barbara, I'm sorry about your computer woes and I quite sympathise! Your garden looks like it is soaking in all that lovely sunshine. Enjoy your happy busy schedule.

  20. Barbara,
    Sorry about your computer woes....your flowers are beautiful....I'm in awe of your rain fall....here it is so hot and dry....everything looks pitiful....

    I believe it was first on your blog that I was made of Elizabeth Goudge. I've finished Pilgrim Inn, The Dean's Watch and I'm reading The Joy of Snow and have The Diary of Prayer to read next.....thank you for bringing her to my attention.....

    Glad you are enjoying mine and Marion's account of our visit....such wonderful people...Betty

  21. Lovely pictures of your English garden Barbara...... When was that sunny day you managed to capture? I must have blinked and missed it!! Goodness what a lot of rain we are having, day after day, its relentless.

    What a wonderful time of fellowship you are sharing.... I pray that the sun will shine for your time together outdoors.

    I was sorry to read of your computer problems. Goodness! don’t we rely on them.... I can well imagine how you are feeling. Have a good weekend. Marion

  22. Your garden is lovely and so are you............
    Happy Friday and have a glorious weekend.
    Love you

  23. Hello Barbara, please visit my blog I have a surprise for you. Hope you have a good weekend.

  24. I have clematis envy...those are so lush and pretty. That is one of the plants I have had no luck with.

    I also have church envy...sounds like you are basking in wonderful kingdom stuff.

    Can't wait for an update and pictures!

  25. Barbara, I am imagining you right now singing and praising with great joy. I am sure with all that you are not thinking too much about the computer woes. Your garden is so beautiful... the clematis are such vibrant colors. I hope you will be able to fill us in on your weekend when you can.


  26. Oh oh , thats bad news. But I loved your garden pics....those purple flowers and lavender bushes were looking so great.

    Look forward to more postings....!

    Tk care ~

  27. Hi Barbara
    It was lovely to hear from you. The flowers in your garden are beautiful. It is too hot here now so my garden is not at it's best.
    Hope you have a great time at your church gathering. It sounds very exciting.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  28. The garden is lovely, and thanks for the tip.... I shall back up my computer right away!

  29. We seem to have the same clematis - mine looks almost like yours. But I find all the flowers so crowded on mine and the plant doesn't seem to grow upwards at all, just get bushier and produce more flowers. Wonder what I should do with it.

    Wish we could visit over a cup of tea in your garden. (or mine)


  30. Thank you for sharing your garden with us! It's so beautiful! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  31. Your garden is like a breath of fresh air. Mine is in the summer doldrums, although the 7-foot white lilies are about to pop.

    Today will be another typical July day day in Washington--HHH (hazy, hot and humid!)

  32. Your blog has been included in this weeks FIVE FOR FRIDAY on FishHawk Droppings. I hope you like the image I featured from this post; and I hope many more come find what a delightful site you have!!!



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