Monday 23 June 2008

Tales From My Garden

Willow and her husband The Professor have now left to continue their trip but there will probably be some more of their outings with us coming up in future posts.

We had to have a photo in the garden before they left

And of our last meal together

Willow said on her blog that blue is her favourite colour

Do you think she felt at home.

Had to replace the white wooden garden seat that is featured on my side bar.

I sat on it and almost went through it after it had rotted some during the winter

This one is alluminium and will not rot

My neighbour's garden gives a nice backdrop to this part of my garden

It's certainly rose time

These next two shots were taken at 9.45 pm

I like the late evening colouring

We are off again tomorrow(Thursday) to cat and rabbit sit at Janie's for a week. We will however come back home for Sunday as our house church are having a water baptism for a new Christian in the garden next door. We will have a time of prayer and worship and then round off with a barbecue and possibly a free for all in the children's pool that is being used for the baptism.

Our blackcurrants are ripening fast so it looks like we will be picking blackcurrants too.

I won't have opportunity to blog while away but hopefully I can get another post done and use blogger's new 'future scheduled service' and schedule for the middle of the week. I will post the last of the pics I took when last at Janie's.

Have a great week everyone.


  1. How fun to see the Professor and Willow in your home surrounded by blue. The garden looks beautiful Barbara. It must be great to be in England when it's peak season for roses! Enjoy your time away...

  2. I am sure Willow and the Professor were very much at home with you. Oh, I could quite happily stitch and crochet away in your garden! Glad you didn't go through the bench! Not fun!

  3. Hi Barbara...I've been away on a short journey and today I am catching up on all the lovely post I have missed. Your garden is just thriving....the roses are gorgeous and I do like your new bench. Best wishes...Dee Dee

  4. My roses are all finished-too much rain made them sort of rot. Yours look great.

  5. Your roses are so beautiful--I'm a little jealous because I think mine are all dying. I wish I could smell your through the monitor.

  6. My roses are going to wreck and ruin, the heat has been so bad. I'll be getting out there tonight to trim back the debris so new blossoms can emerge.

    It is always so wonderful to have friends of like heart come visit. I received such a nice surprise yesterday when an old, long absent friend stopped by. (See today's post).

    Have fun with the rabbits and cat and I know that we will all look forward to seeing pics of the ceremony and garden party later.

  7. Your garden is beautiful, & if your guest Willow is a big fan of blue~as I am~then she must have felt right at home!! :D
    Beautiful flowers & pics!!

  8. It sounds and looks like you had such a wonderful time. Your roses and garden are just so lovely.
    The night picture looks like day. At 9:45p it is quite dark here.

    Enjoy your time away.

    hugs to you,

  9. Your roses look as beautiful as always.

    The cats and the bunny can't wait to see you.

    Thanks again

    Love Janie

  10. What amazing roses.
    I loved the late evening photos.
    I bet Willow and the Professor had a wonderful visit.
    i was think of you.

  11. Wow, I love those perfect in shape....We tried all we could to have a good garden here, but in vain! =D

  12. OK, I am seriously behind... how did you manage to post 3 times since my last visit. I have been a bad bloggy friend! I promise to do better. What a lovely time you must've had with Willow and the Professor. I loved looking through all the photos from your trips here and there. But the piece de resistance are your gorgeous roses!! Wow!! I wish I could see them all in person; I just love roses of all kinds. Yours are stunning... How lovely that you have a new belieiver in your midst! That always gives a group of disciples such a shot of enthusiasm. I still remember what it was like when I first believed, and I try to revisit those emotions often.


  13. I am so glad that you and your friends had such a good time. I am very sure that she felt very much at home.

    You look great in the picture.

    The roses are just wonderful. I sure do wish I had just a tiny smell. It is all so beautiful. connie from Texas

  14. It's been awhile since I've visited Barbara...looks like you had a wonderful visit with Willow and The Professor.

    And your roses are just gorgeous!! Enjoy your time away, and we'll see ya when you return to blogland!

  15. Your garden is stunning, Barbara! And how wonderful you had such a lovely time with Willow and her husband. Enjoy your weekend!

  16. Your garden looks dreamy right now. It must be hard to leave it when all those roses are so perfect. I just realized you have a greenhouse. How fun that must be!

    Have a good time at Janie’s. It sounds like Sunday will be real special!

  17. You're garden is amazing! I wish I good grow roses (and everything else) like that...I believe it's just too warm here.
    Yesterday, while reading my Bible, I read a verse that reminded me of you and your blog: The Lord gives the word (of power); the WOMEN WHO BEAR AND PUBLISH [THE NEWS] ARE A GREAT HOST.

  18. All looks great! Nice shots Barbara. You are obviously a rose fan!


    Yes, I think she probably noticed~!

    Your garden is a symphony of colour and beauty. I always enjoy lingering over your photos....

  20. It's good to see you all together having a meal and enjoying the company! That tablecloth is a perfect shade of blue for Willow!
    It matches her eyes!!
    The rose photos are beautiful and so prolific! I could sit in your garden and enjoy each bush and the pond while sipping a cup of tea!!

  21. Your garden is beautiful Barbara.....oh, the roses!

  22. The garden looks magnificent. Have a great week house sitting.

  23. what beautiful roses!! like I said, if I could just soak the green in before I go "home" to the dry beauty there.

  24. The garden is beautiful now. I'll bet that you hate leaving it to go pet sit for a week.

    I am sure that your guests enjoyed their "blue" visit. Their smiles reveal their happiness.

  25. I was enchanted by what you wrote in "about me" and by your garden photos.
    I heard about this blog over at Willow's blog. It's fun how one blog leads to another.
    I do love roses, as you do, and pick bouquets to bring that delicious scent indoors.

  26. What a fantastic amount of roses! I just have a few minatures as my pruning leaves much to be desired! My garden is full of foxgloves and all sorts of lovely smelly things like honeysuckle and pinks and mock orange.

  27. I've said before and I'll say it again - Your garden is GORGEOUS!

  28. Hi Barbara -
    What a wonderful visit you must have had. And the pictures of the garden and flowers are wonderful. Didn't God do a good job when He created the world?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for leaving your sweet comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos of God's handiwork in my part of the world. Please let me know if you ever come my way. I would love to take you to see it (and so much more) yourself. Wouldn't that be fun?

  29. Hope you've had a good week. Your garden is as lovely as ever. I have tagged you please visit my blog for details.

  30. So pleased that you and Allen had a wonderful time with Willow and her husband. There is something very special about meeting up with a blogging friend.... having got to know them so well before that first meeting.....

    Wow! your garden has so many roses Barbara, loved seeing your pictures. Have a good time whilst you are ‘animal sitting’ and a blessed baptism and BBQ. Marion

  31. Have fun~
    Your photographs are amazing.
    Love Jeanne


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