Tuesday 3 June 2008

An Award Amongst this week's Garden

This award was sent to me by Lavinia Lady Slipper
Thank you Lavinia I am honoured
It is always difficult passing these awards on
This time I am passing it on to 3 fairly new blogging contacts
The first is to Lavinia. I am sending it back to her as she has such an interesting blog. Lavinia tackles many different subjects and her heart of compassion comes through.
Secondly to Nanatrish Trish is a very new blogger and before she got started she was not very confident about it. However she is now up and running and finding much to blog about.
Thirdly I am sending this award to Kristen. For Kristen it is just 3 months since she had surgery for a brain tumour. Reading her story is an inspiration and the faith of her whole family come through on her blog.

My garden at the moment as it is continuing to come to life

We are still experiencing very wet weather

and much of the garden is looking very sorry for itself

I do so love this Rock Rose (Cistus) and hate to see it getting so battered down with the heavy rain and losing it's petals within hours

It is about 8 ft tall and 8 ft wide

The water is receeding


The rambling roses are suffering

The Tea roses are waiting for the sun

Variagated Photinia


Took this before the last bout of rain

We still have severe weather forcast with lots more rain


  1. Hi Barbara,
    Sounds like you're getting the rain we need so badly! Your garden is lovely, of course, and the rain will certainly make everything grow nicely.
    Congratulations on your award and how kind of you to pass it to newer bloggers and offer them some encouragement.

  2. Barbara,
    Seems so long since we've 'talked'....

    We had a marvelous visit with Marion and John....just too brief.....

    I hope to be back to visit and catch up on postings I've missed....Betty

  3. Your garden is so dignified and even though wet it isn't wild. I just planted a new plant yesterday called "PINKY WINKY" which is a hardy Hydrangea that has an upright habit with almost pink limbs but it has white flowers in a cluster like a poker and then in the fall the same white flowers turn pink. It has been featured in some magazines here. I paid a whopping $37.00 US Dollars for it. The most I ever paid for a new plant or flower.

    Anyway, my place is stuffed with flowers and plants and bushes. Most are things I planted years ago and the rest is filled in by birds who never quite make it across this small space without pausing and leaving a surprise for the new year. So I have flowers I never saw in my life. I just saw one today and it is quite big already. Has a blossom almost like a wild onion but prettier. I am anxious to see it when it is more fully developed.

    Anyway. Your blog is so sophisticated. Mine is wild and for the birds and other things including insects and rabbits but none here this year. The new fence is keeping them out. I got to dig a couple of holes so they can get in.

  4. Yes, Barbara, your garden looks drenched indeed.

    Too much rain makes the weeds grow like mad.

    I hope things turn dry soon, although I'm not too encouraged by that continued severe weather report.

    Your garden is so lovely, all the care you take of it, is well rewarded. What a joy it must be to sit out here in your very own oasis.

    Thanks for posting these enjoyable pics.

  5. "Rain, rain go away. Come again another day!"

    It must be discouraging to see your beloved flowers get beaten down. There's an analogy there somewhere.

    Congrats on the award...it's the first time I've seen that one.

  6. Eight feet tall? I knew those were big, but seriously Barbara. Our rock roses are like six inches tall. Maybe a foot if your thumb is really green...yish!

    I would be sad too if the rain was beating down such a big guy.

    Vee cracks me up...

  7. Ah, we have a gorgeous sunny day today! And, like you, I am finding weeds popping up everywhere, one drop of rain, and they are there!
    BTW, you are right, a potager is a vegetable garden, just a smart French word!!

  8. Barbara, you are getting the rain we long for...if we could just get one good day it would make such a difference in all the plants we've been setting out...even with the rain your garden is beautiful...

  9. Your plants are absolutely beautiful.

  10. I love your garden! Beautiful pictures.

  11. Barbara,
    Your garden is beautiful in spite of the soggy weather. Congratulations on your award.
    After a few nice weeks we're experiencing much of the same wet weather - and it's cold, too - just 10 degrees this morning. Brrrr.
    June is often unsettled but we can hope for better weather in the future.

  12. beautiful garden..I am impressed because I do not have a green thumb at all! I tend to kill plants. I think you need lots of patience, but sure is worth it!!
    Maybe some day when my kids are big?

  13. Congratulation on the award. Your garden look really good to me. I enjoy it so much each time you show us a part of it. connie from Texas

  14. Congrats on your award.

  15. hi bob,
    i saw your blog via one from Beth Moores. I love your garden! i am a fla. gardener, love it, not the heat right now. Just went to 89 this week.my tomatoes are pretty, i had 2 for dinner the other night. and roses are blooming.I am going to keep reading your blog(very interesting)
    Love to you my sister in Christ.Deirdre

  16. hi again
    sorry bob is nickname for barbara...sorry

  17. Well, Barbara, it looks like you are gathering quite the collection of awards... very deservedly so... and because yours is one of my very favorites, I am adding to your collection by bestowing another one on you. Please visit my Charm & Grace Cottage blog to find out all about it.

    Love & hugs,

  18. I do hope that the rains let up for you soon. Your garden looks so pretty and it would be so wonderful to get out and play in the dirt a little.

    Congratulations on your award. You deserve it.

  19. I found you through Christi of Charm and grace... what a lovely blog you have.... I will be back for a visit


  20. Hi Barbara..thank you for the award last week. do i need to do something to post it? I am new at this as you can see.
    The bloggin world is really fun to me and it's so neat to meet other people. I am thinking you would enjoy katherine's mom which is on my blogroll.
    x K

  21. Hi Barbara,

    I just found your blog today, and you have a lovely garden! We seem to enjoy the same things. I too am a committed Christian, and love gardening.



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