Tuesday 20 May 2008

Something from Today's Garden and Disguised Blessings

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Last weeks blessings in disguise
Non working Wireless Keyboard and Mouse returned to shop
Then bought same make as currently using
This one is not working
Tried everything and enlisted the help of son and a friend who are familiar with computers
Still not working
Security software needed renewing
Did so - did not work
Uninstalled everything again and more
Now working
Burst car tyre when out in town
Hot day - car full of fresh and frozen food
Three episodes of constant crossed lines on phone
Still there when phone put down
If left answer phone kicked in and voices continued till tape full
Fixed after 3 visits when engineer moved our line to a different side in junction box
Fairly new top of the range video/dvd recorder broken when label became emeshed in workings
Frustration levels high
If trials are blessings in disguise then I was certainly blessed last week
It is just as well that I know that God is in control of my life
so that no matter how frustrated I feel
and how impatient
I know that God has a reason for it all
A life of faith encompasses all our experiences and not just the ones that make us feel good
I know that nothing comes to me unless God has allowed it
but that does not mean I have to like it
It just means that I have to thank Him for it


  1. Beautiful collage of posies!

    Barbara, sounds like one crazy week. Guess that you've been kept busy "looking for God in the interruptions" as Gloria Gaither says. ;> I know that you'll find Him! Hugs...

  2. Yes Barbara, we have no control ourselves over the happenings...only to turn them over to the Lord.

  3. Oh dear what a week!

    This life of learning to always trust Him is certainly not boring.

    This passage of scripture has been coming up a lot lately in my own life.

    2Co 12:10 Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size--abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become. MSG

    He is our only hope! Praise God!

  4. I like your multi-picture arrangement. I've seen those around in the blogging world but have not yet figured out how to do that!

    That was certainly a highly frustrating week you had!

  5. Oh my Barbara...these computers can be quite annoying at times..makes you want to throw them out in the yard :)..things will get better..they always do..

  6. I know for me sometimes, where computers are concerned, if it weren't for my blogging friends like you I wouldn't even bother with a computer at all. My laptop still needs a new screen, but I can't part with it long enough to get it fixed because it has all of my friends "in it." :-) Bless you for praising Him in spite of your circumstances! And thank you for sharing those beauties from your yard with us.

    Prayers for you,

  7. My goodness Barbara, what a time you have had lately with things not working. Here's hoping that everything is in good working order now. Lovely photos.

  8. Hello Barbara,

    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog, and also, I was just on Knitting Mania's site and I saw your comment and thought I'd pop over here, to say, yes, I am thrilled with the handbag; I have posted a photo of it on my blog too...

    I see that I have missed several of your most recent posts and I did a quick skim through now and will be back later tonight for a much longer and thorough perusal...all the way back to part IV of Hatfield house, (I think). I had a look at the photos..oh my....and I want you to know that the photo of the long shot of the garden with the fountain playing at the centre...well, I *had* to make that my background wallpaper on my computer...it looks beautiful with that golden cherub trumpeting!

    Your blog is a vision of loveliness, thank you so much for creating this garden oasis for us to visit...

  9. Barbara, I hope your computer woes are all ironed out by the time you read this!

  10. What a beautiful collage of photos.

  11. I am so sorry for all your troubles. It just seems like life has so many challenges. I love your pictures. You have a very peaceful site and I always enjoy it. I finally got my started, but haven't put much on it yet. I guess at least it's my start. Take care.

  12. I'm catching up with your posts today. Your visit at Canary's Wharf sounds like so much fun.

    I hope you have a (less) blessed week this week!

  13. Yes, I'll say you had a really blessed week!
    Trials are so nice as a refining tool when they are over.

  14. That was a bunch of bad things. I don't think I would be capable of looking at them as blessings.

  15. Love all that you share........
    When I get frustrated I repeat this too shall pass.
    Love and hugs

  16. Dear Barbara, I would say that yours has been "One of those weeks." We are told in Romans 5:3 "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: Knowing that tribulation worketh patience." It sounds like you won the battle. God bless. Connie from Texas

  17. So true!!!! Nothing take HIM by surprise.....just us!!! Hope things are better :o)


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