Sunday 25 May 2008

My Garden Today in late May

While I am sorting some Leanardslee garden photos to post
here is a little peep into my garden yesterday
and last evening's sunset

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  1. Gorgeous sunset! Beautiful garden! Isn't God's artwork perfect? ~Adrienne~

  2. Everything looks so lovely! Aww, that sunset is glorious!

  3. Everything is beautiful, Barbara! I love the colors of the sunset. And those flowers! What are the pink papery looking ones?

    I have enjoyed the photos from the last post too. It looks like all the azaleas are in bloom in England in May!

  4. Lovely! The deep pink, crepey flower with the yellow center and the lovely inner pattern...what is that?

  5. Okay I want to know too? What are the pink flowers? Unfamiliar, to us here in the states. I am guessing some kind of South African plant?

    I'm glad you get to enjoy some amazing sunsets.

    I saw in your combo picture you still have some babies to plant. That is what I have been doing all weekend. It sure feels good to finally have that accomplished.

  6. Wow, the rockrose is beautiful!

  7. Barbara..fantastic sunset and your garden is just so beautiful...I'm not familiar with the pink poppie type of flowers...just lovely...

  8. Wow, your garden photo's are stunning. I can't help but remember your winter photo's and all that snow and now it's like the garden of Eden! Amazing!

    You and my sister have that green thumb thing going on, big time!!!


  9. Lovely. I also took some photos of those big purple headed ones this weekend. Not sure what they are called. God bless :)

  10. I love the rock rose (I only know the name because you told us)....isn't it interesting how its petals are all crumpled like they need a good ironing. God has a sense of humor...

  11. These pink poppies are great! As well as the beautiful sunset!

  12. Ups, I just saw in your following post that the pink plants aren't poppies but rock roses (I couldn't find the botanical name). Unfortunately I don't know the plant with this name.

  13. How beautiful. All I can think of as I look at your photos is the amount of work it must take to keep the garden looking so splendid.


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