Wednesday 14 May 2008

Hatfield House - Part 4

The church of St. Etheldreda seen from inside the grounds of Hatfield House
I'm including a link as there is a lot of history surrounding this church
and it's association with the house

The old town of Hatfield was built around the house and estate

so this church is actually adjacent to the grounds

(not to be confused with the Chapel in the house)

I do not think I would like statues of my deceased family lying on top of their tomb

Yours truly and houses with a graveyard for their back garden

Mistletoe growing on a tree


  1. Your photos are lovely.
    Here we have huge bunches of mistletoe growing on so many trees, but rather high up. the French dont make anything of it, unlike the English who decorate at Christmas with holly and mistletoe.

  2. I would love to visit your part of the world. It would be wonderful to tour and have a chance for a good visit. We have mistletoe in Oregon. When I was very young I called it 'Kiss-letoe'! ~Adrienne~

  3. Well I can certainly see what you mean about the statuary on the graves...ackk! And she's holding her own skull?? Oh my!

    Love the picture of you peeking out through the blossoms...very nice!

    It's always fun to go on these jaunts with you. Hope that you're enjoying a beautiful day!

  4. Barbara...more lovely pictures...You look quite nice amongst the blossoms my friend...

    Your photography is exceptional...I've zoomed in on some of the pics...just gorgeous...Thank you again for the tour...I'm really enjoying this...

  5. I love clicking on the pictures to enlarge them. You can see every detail and makes you think you could reach out and touch what you are seeing. Just beautiful. The old cemetary even looks so peaceful with all the beautiful blooming trees around. You look very at home amongst the blossoms. A perfect place to stand. Thanks a lot for the tour. connie from Texas

  6. I agree with you that I would be hesitant to put statues lying across the tombs of my loved ones. The photos are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.

  7. thanks for the tour....churchs and graveyards actually make for wonderful photo opportunities....but I am afraid the little prairie churchs and open graveyards here are not the same sort of way. Still there is a wonderful presence in these places and I enjoyed your post today

  8. It always amazes me the forethought that the designers of these old country houses and buildings had.

  9. That is a great picture of you, through the cherry blossoms.

    I need to down load my pic’s on an internet photo space. I love that we can click on yours and see them up close.

    I have never seen mistletoe growing, how interesting.

  10. How wonderful to get to tour parts of England through your eyes, Barbara! I've sent your Winston Churchill post to a friend.

  11. grace a vous je peux visiter de loin votre ANGLETERRE que j aime beaucoup
    desolee par contre de ne pas vous ecrire an anglais mais j ai beaucoup de mal et votre site m apprend aussi a lire l anglais
    venir vous rentre visite par internet est pour moi du bonheur

    merci et a bientot

    marie claude

  12. I love touring with you! Yes, I remember the statuary on the graves in England. I wouldn't like that either I don't think. Beautiful photos. xoxo

  13. I enjoyed this post, as always. Those trees are so pretty, and those gravestones look so old...I love that half-timbered house!


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