Monday 12 May 2008

Hatfield House - Part 2 - The Wilderness Garden

Could not decide which part of Hatfield House to post next but have opted for
The Wilderness garden
There will still be another 2 posts to complete this visit
Last week I visited a garden that I had not been to before
and came home with 176 photos
I promise I will not be posting them all but posting some will be my next project once
I have finished with Hatfield House.
This garden you are going to see now is where Elizabeth I was sitting under a tree
when she heard that she had succeeded to the throne
I have posted the pictures randomly so that you get a feel of
what it was like to stroll through it and see a different beautiful scene
at every turn
The sculptures certainly added interest and fun
they are on show and can be bought
but I am sure it would be scarey to know the price


Glad it was not dark

Screen sculptures

Hares standing and crouching

Black fish


Leaping Unicorn

The combination of Azalias, Magnolia's and Camelia's were stunning

Spider in web

White and Blue Bluebells

Red Kites

Wild Bluebells and Wild Cowslips

Leaf in Oak

This stag is made out of horse shoes




Copper Beech


A tree

and it's cones

Hope you enjoyed your stroll
I know it is impossible to replicate the beauty here
in the same way that I saw it
Do come back for some more installments of this lovely day


  1. I love it! But I didn't much care for the spiders! Yikes even artwork of them creeps me out! LOL! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Barbara...I have never seen a garden so fantastic...When I saw the azaleas and camelias..I wondered...did the settlers in this country bring this lovely plants to the Americas? We have so many of the same here....So beautiful....thank you so much for a lovely stroll ...Dee Dee

  3. Oh that was wonderful. I must send the link to your blog to my artist niece. She was a sculpture major and I know that she'd be very interested to see those marvelous creations. One really needs to click on them to see the detail. Thanks, Barbara! You can count on me to be back...

  4. Thanks for taking us on this delightful stroll with you Barbara. The photos are wonderful and I can only imagine what fun it is to see it person!

  5. Well, that was a wonderful walk! Thank you, such lovely pictures of a place I went to many years ago.

  6. Great! I love the way modern sculpture enhances the natural. Lovely shots!

  7. The horse shoe sculpter was exhibiting in one of the craft tents at Badminton. Which reminds me...I MUST POST on it!

    PS I'm not sure I'd like to see a spider that big.

    Must pop over to Hatfield house sometime being on my doorstop and all.

    Love you, Jane

  8. My favorites are the blue bells! The sculptures are interesting and so varied too. A beautiful tour - thanks, once again!

  9. What a neat place. The bluebells are just gorgeous. I think the Hawk was my favorite and I would hate to have that spider in my yard!

  10. Well I have always wondered what an English Cowslip looked like exactly. That was great to be able to click on the picture and see them up close. I knew it was a primula, but those are not the kind they sell at the local nurseries. I have grow the blue bells I believe, which are scilla?

    Lovely masses of native plants. I should show you what is blooming in my desert right now…

  11. oh my...thank you for the lovely walk in the garden this evening. I am sitting here after a hard day at the office, the rain is pelting against the roof and the sniffles are coming on. Yet here I feel content ... your post was wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Wow... these pictures leave me nearly speechless. Which is quite something when you consider my penchant for words! Thanks for taking us along, again.


  13. "176 photos
    I promise I will not be posting them all
    - I for once wouldn't mind at all! *smile*
    I like the sense of humour that shows through, and the Wild Bluebells, of which there are none here in Vienna! (I miss them, even though I do not know if the Virginia Bluebells I know from back home were the same species). It is very difficult (and time consuming, I might add), to replicate a walk through such sheer endless beauty, you did a beautiful job making me feel as if I were wandering along with you. Thank you!


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.