Tuesday 29 April 2008

Published Photograph and Today in the Garden

You may remember my saying earlier in the year that I had been approached by the author of a book called Wild Swimming
This book shows many places in the UK where one can swim safely in the wild
This week I received a copy of the finished book
I am very impressed with it
It is full of infomation (even down to the benefits of swimming in cold water)
and has some beautiful photographs
So even if I don't ever go swimming in the wild again
I can enjoy this beautiful book
This first photograph you see is the one that I gave the author permission to use

And here are a few pages from the book

And now for a peep at some colour in my garden today

and the clouds with the silver lining after the hail storm yesterday

I am off on Thursday to my daughter's place for 3 nights,
looking after the animals while they are away
but will be back blogging next week


  1. Thats a great pic you took, no wonder they wanted it for the book. Looks like a neat book.
    I love the pics of your garden. I used to sell the pink flowered plant in a nursery when I lived neaar the ocean. If my memory serves me it is called Bergenia or something like that. I hate that I am forgetting all the botanical names I learned because I don't work in the nursery anymore. Darn.
    Have fun at Janies.

  2. I can imagine that your photo loks very good in the book.
    Hope you enjoy your 'animal sitting'!

  3. Barbara,
    Congratulations......a very beautiful and serene picture....

    How many animals will you be watching over?.......Betty

  4. yep..as far as I know it is Saxifraga:Bergenia....it sure blooms for you much sooner than for us.....maybe June if we are lucky with some good weather!!! Still, a very hardy plant in our area which means it is FAITHFUL to show up!!! Swimming in the Wild is an interesting title...bound to attract attention for its double meaning, if nothing else! But from here, the photography looks wonderful.

  5. The photo of yours that was used is very nice. I can certainly see why the author wanted to use it. Is swimming in the wild just swimming in a lake or river and not in a pool? It has nothing to do with nudity, right? Pardon me for asking...we have a lot of skinny dippers in our corner. One can't be too careful of visiting a secluded spot.

    If I don't get back to visit before you take off for Janie's, have fun! It's always fun to get away for a bit. Are you caring for the animals only or is there some grandson care involved?

  6. Oh my Barbara...I enlarged the picture of the church...it is absolutely beautiful...You have quite the eye for photography...your garden is coming along...just gorgeous...Good wishes...Dee Dee

  7. Your photograph is really beautiful. I can see why it got published!

    Have a great time away!

  8. What a fascinating concept for a book; and your photo is quite lovely. By coincidence, the topic of swimming was covered today on another blog I read:


    I suppose swimming vibes are in the air!


  9. I remember that picture. I thought how special then and I still think it is a very special picture. I am glad you got a book.

    Your flowers are as lovely as ever. I can tell it is Spring. Have a safe and good trip. connie from Texas

  10. Berengia! Always reminds me old melancholy manor houses. Mine on Long Island always looked a bit miserable - yours looks super.
    Congratulations on the photo in he book.Sounds really interesting.
    I can remember swimming in England when it was so cold it hurt the top of your head!( about 58'F)
    Have fun looking after the animals!

  11. Hi Barbara

    Congratulations on having your beautiful photograph published!

    I am certain that I read a blog comment from you yesterday, but it has mysteriously disappeared....more trouble with blogger, no doubt.

    I consider home to be North Yorkshire, where I lived before I moved to Canada and 'where the heart is'...I suppose that now I have two homes, but I always yearn for Yorkshire....

    Marie x

  12. Hi Barbara
    Thanks for your interesting comment. Must be nice to have a photograph like this of yours published in such an interesting book. It is certainly a book I would like to get my hands on and try a few of the spots they recommend. Health permitting, I think everyone should try and swim in general, as it is such good exercise.

  13. The photography in the book looks gorgeous. Congratulations on getting "published."

    The garden is just beautiful now - such a change from the posting with the snow.

    Enjoy your time away.

  14. Hello Barbara.....

    What an unusual book..... congratulations on getting your picture included, its beautiful.

    Your garden is looking colourful with spring flowers. This weather of ours is taking its time to settle down isn’t it..... rain, wind, sun, it really can’t make its mind up. Have a good time whilst you are away. Marion.

  15. What a fantastic idea for a book! Congratulations. I did some river swimming in Finland, as EVERYONE does there, but I've never really found places to do it here. It is so invigorating. I'm going to investigate that book. Thanks!

  16. How exciting to have your photo published. I think I remember seeing that on your blog before. It is beautiful. Have fun while away.

  17. Congrats on having your lovely photo in a book. Your gardens are looking very pretty. Enjoy the days at your daughters.

  18. Well I have gotten a bit behind on your posts. Congratulations on your published photograph. You certainly take some lovely pictures.

    Your bergenia, and the bluebells have reminded me of a few plants I forgot to bring with me to the new garden. Both of those use to bloom together in my shade garden. Thanks for all the lovely shots

  19. Your published picture is indeed beautiful (like an old painting!). Your bergenias make me feel a little envious...mine have leaves with a lot of dark spots and I guess they are ill.
    Have a good time, Barbar

  20. Oh how wonderful! What an amazing picture you took for a beautiful book!

    I love your garden color too!

    Have a nice trip to see your dear family.

    God bless my friend :)

  21. Wow, what a fantastic photo, and the clouds one at the end is amazing. I love photos of the sky, but unfortunately as i live in a built up area i hardly ever get to take good cloud photos.

    I hope you enjoy your pet sitting, id love to spend a few days at a friends doing that. Nice and relaxing, like a mini holiday of your own!

  22. Lovely photos, and congratulations on the book! Raf is supposed to have a photo in a biography coming out soon. It's always fun to see yourself in print!

  23. Congratulations (again) on having your photo published! Excellent photo!

    Your calla lilies are in bloom and look lovely!

  24. What a unique idea for a book. The tams of Wales are especially fascinating to me. They seem to simply appear out of nowhere. Your picture is a beautiful and much deserved addition to this book. I can imagine myself dangling my feel and wading along the edge.

  25. Looks like a very nice book. The photos look terrific. What a lovely garden you have.


  26. Hi Barbara,
    Looks like a lovely book and I can see why they chose your beautiful photo!
    Loved seeing what's blooming in your garden, somewhat different from mine!
    Enjoy your time away..

  27. I love that top picture. wonderful. thx for popping by!

  28. Barbara, your photograph is exquisite... how exciting to have it published! Such fun, and the book looks fun too. And your garden pics are so lovely... I love, love calla lilies but I don't recognize the pinkish/purplish flowers?? They are so pretty and the large leaves are terrific. Thanks for the peek!


  29. Blessings to you my lovely friend~
    Big hugs
    I love all that you share with us~


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