Tuesday 8 April 2008

April Musings

Having come to the end of my story I want to thank you all so much for your wonderful comments and encouragement
Even though I very much wanted to do it I found there were times when I just could not face it and wanted to give up
Whenever I sat down to write I found it flowed easily, the hard bit was getting started
Your encouragement helped me finish it

Well as you see Spring is here
I was out walking Friday without a coat
Sunday we woke to this
It did not last long but
Monday we woke to a hard frost

Last week I took off our winter duvets and changed them to the spring tog rating

I was looking out of my kitchen window yesterday and to my horror saw a Heron on the side of my pond
These birds amaze me as they stand about 3 feet tall
That evening there was a programme on TV which said that the Heron population was increasing rapidly on the River Thames
At this time of year they have chicks so often catch goldfish from ponds to feed them
The conservationists were thrilled - I was not
We have lost fish to Herons in the past

Looking out of the kitchen window

Looking out of the back sitting room window

Saturday we spent the day with Oliver at Jane's place
He is now 20 months old
(These pics were taken by his Daddy)

He loves his jig saw puzzles
Here he is contemplating where to put the next piece

He's almost finished

Here he is dancing

I recently received this award again
This time it was from Vee
of A Haven for Vee
Thank you so much Vee, I do not take these awards lightly
I am honoured


  1. Oh my goodness...I cannot believe you have snow once again..It looks lovely from your window, but I know how anxious you are for spring....I can understand what a nusiance the Heron might be around your pond..we have them here but they generally look for food in the ocean. When you mention the River Thames it seems quite charming...Good wishes...Dee Dee

  2. Oliver is so precious and you can tell he is oh so proud!!!

  3. Coming from 'down under' where scenes like these NEVER greet me in the morning, I am loving your photos... but understand you are probably looking forward to some sunshine and flowers :-)
    Hope they come soon!

  4. That certainly does not look like spring weather to me. Brrrr. It is pretty though.

    Oliver is a real cutie. Aren't they fun at that age?

    I enjoyed reading your journey. When one has such passion, the writing seems to flow so beautifully.

    Our son and DIL also were given a 90% chance of Downs with their third pregnancy. Their little boy was perfect in every way. I, too, wondered how many people aborted perfectly good babies on the recommendation that they should. It is so sad.

    I did not see your post on Ellis Island. I will have to look for it and read it. We had the opportunity to visit there last year and research our immigrant families. It was so interesting.

  5. That is a lot of snow! We just got rain here in southern France but there was snow up north.

  6. I just found your blog from the comment you left on 'Days to Come'. I'm also a Londoner - I live in Walthamstow. And hoping to meet with Jeana sometime soon.
    I thought I'd pop in for a visit because it's always fun to find someone local to me, blogging - I think I know more bloggers in the US than here at the moment!

  7. Oliver is obviously as brilliant as he is handsome! What a cutie pie and I'm so glad that you had some time to visit with him and enjoy him. They do grow so fast, don't they?!

    Snow?! Ackkk!!! Herons?! Double ackkkk!

    One last thing, I am so glad that you persevered in the telling of your story. Perhaps only Heaven will reveal what a difference it made. AND! As you well know, I am praying for a much wider readership.

    Much love to you!

  8. Barbara,
    Precious child....aren't grandchildren grand?

    I know what you mean about the Herons. We now keep a net over our fish pool while the leaves aren't on the trees. A big Heron ate several of our big Koi fish.....we were so outdone. The fish would come up and eat out of our hands.....

    Blessings, Betty

  9. Oh dear...Barbara :/ Is it true, you woke up to that fresh layer of snow in your back yard?

    Hmmmmmm, well I must say it is pretty, but I know you are ready for Spring. I'll pray really hard for the Lord's favor on your little part of the world and to bring you warmth - so your garden can a wake from her winter's sleep.

    Bless your heart--

  10. Barbara,
    your garden looks like mine now...covered in snow! i hope it didn't kill off any new growth.
    Those Herons are a paim in the rear for my Dad too. He has a pond and is always trying new methods to save his fish from predators.
    Oliver is such a cutie. I bet you just love your visits with him.
    Oh yea, my mom wanted me to tell you that she gave Hannah a book by Enid Blighton, she said you would be familiar with that author.

  11. Wow, Barbara. I never thing of England as having snow. Don't know why. I always thing of rain and fog, but never snow. Hope none of your spring plants were hurt. Yes, I love the herons and egrets, but they do take the fish! Oliver is lovely!

  12. The snow is so pretty in your garden and backyard. I know Spring is what is desired right now, but the snow is clean and pretty. Oliver seems so much more mature than 20 months in the photos. He is a beautiful boy, and I am so glad you get to enjoy him and he gets your love and influence. As life should be.

    Well, I do not give awards, actually I am very unfamiliar with blog awards. But!, if I did you would certainly get the "Excellence" award from me. Very wonderful blog, Barbara.

  13. Barbara, your garden is so pretty in the snow! But I know you'd probably like it to melt away so things can start blooming again. Wow, that view out your kitchen window is so nice too.

    Oliver looks like he's a natural born thinker....

  14. It is quite the same here. Snow, rain, sun, snow...typical for April. But nature is full of colours again, we have Spring in spite of snowfall and heavy rain. Your garden looks very attractive with snow too!!

  15. What a darling boy your sweet Oliver is! Aren't grandchildren the sweetest blessings?
    I read the heron story with interest. Our biggest threat to our ponds is raccoons. We get attached to our fish (silly as that sounds) and don't like the raccoons to have their dinner from our pond..

  16. As I recall you had some bulbs blooming! How are they fairing?
    I too noticed how lovely your garden does look in its winter whites. It is such a great garden design. I hope your fish are okay?

    Your grandson is a beautiful boy! I love watching what he is doing. Gives me a heads up for what is coming down the road with baby Eden. God knew what He was doing, when He created grandbabies for our later years. They are so yummy and delectable, and bring such joy to our hearts!


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.