Friday 21 March 2008

The Donkey at Easter


When fishes flew and forests walked
And figs grew upon thorn,
Some moment when the moon was blood
Then surely I was born;

With monstrous head and sickening cry
And ears like errant wings,
The devil's walking parody
Of all four-footed things.

The tattered outlaw of the earth,
Of ancient crooked will;
Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,
I keep my secret still.

Fools! for I also had my hour;
One far fierce hour and sweet:
There was a shout about my ears,
And palms before my feet.

by G K Chesterton


  1. Barbara, have you ever thought, I imagine that you have, how often a donkey played a prominent role in scripture?

    Thanks for the visit today! I've been looking for you. ;>

    That wall of pictures behind my bed is a screen that creates a fake closet...comes in very handy!

    You made me laugh with the tea and the American psyche comment. 'Tis true...there're a whole lot of Anglophiles over here! Must be something about the "genetic memory" that Zanne at The Farmer's Wife has been discussing this week.

    Have a great evening!

  2. Have a blessed Easter, Barbara!



  3. Wow!
    I remember learning this poem in 'elocution' - a thousand years ago.
    Have a lovely and peaceful Easter.
    The gardens in Marrakech are lovely and EasyJet gets you there in 3 and half hours.
    You would take super pictures.
    Did you see my donkey photos the other day?

  4. Your Mother Shipton post was very interesting, all the things she predicted (and more) are mentioned in the Quran to show us the signs of the end of time. I will certainly be googling her to find out more.
    Lovely garden photos too, im hoping to have lots of them this year (aslong as we dont have floods like last year!)

  5. Dear Barbara,
    I'd like to wish you a Happy Easter!
    Thank you for your always so kind an encouraging comments on my blog.
    I have not forgotten about your award, but I am really fighting for time these days (well, make that weeks *wry smile*).
    All the best,

  6. Have a wonderful, blessed Easter Barbara. Thank you for your continued visits to my blog with your thoughts and encouragement. Nel x

  7. Happy Easter my lovely friend.
    Blessings to you and yours.
    Much love

  8. Barbara, you are the first one to notice that Knitting Mania and I are sisters. Yes my one and only sibling. She lives in CA, and I live in WA. When she moves to Montana this summer, we will only be a 6 hour drive from each other. The closest we have been since we left home. I can't wait!

  9. Hi Barbara..I read your poem today and found a comparison to the new DVD I just purchased for my grandchildren...The Legend of the Three Trees...very thought provoking...I do wish you lovely Easter blessings Barbara...

  10. Lovely. A blessed Easter to you.

  11. Happy Easter to you and yours!
    HE is RISEN, HE IS RISEN Indeed.

  12. Popping in to wish you and Alan and your famiy a blessed Easter!

  13. This is a great post! Thank you for sharing it. And thank you for stopping by my blog to leave your sweet comments.

    Happy Easter to you and yours,

  14. I hope you have a happy and peaceful Easter Barbara.

  15. Dear Barbara, thanks for this poignant thought... and for the blessing you left for me in spite of my computer woes. Happy resurrection day!



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