Tuesday 19 February 2008

I have Won Another Giveaway (and 3 Awards)

A couple of weeks ago I won a Giveaway at Susan's blog
Today it arrived in the post
A book by Franklin Graham - Living Beyond the Limits
and an Angel Wall Plaque
Thank you so much Susan
I have hung the plaque in my computer/art room so that I will be daily
reminded of you

Also in the last couple of weeks I have received the following awards

This one came in 2 different forms

First from Susie in the form of You are a Blessing and
Charlotte in the form of To Bless You

This Forever Friends Circle came from Connie

I am so honoured to receive awards from dear blogging friends
and accept them in the spirit that they are sent
Thank You

There are so many people that I could pass these awards on to

Everyone who visits and contacts me is a blessing and I hope that all my regular blogging buddies are forever friends

so please if you are one of these then do accept this award with my love


  1. Congratulations on your new awards. I came on over from Susie's blog and have enjoyed reading some of your previous entries. I do believe that you have an upcoming cricket star there.

  2. Wow, you are quite the giveaway winner lately, Do they have the lottery in England, if so, I think your luck has come in and better go buy a ticket!

  3. Your giveaway was so nice and congatulations on your awards. you really deserve them.

  4. Wow, i just read your post about your garden, and i thought i was fortunate with my sprouts of green shooting up, but your garden looks great at such a bland time of year. Im really looking forward to seeing your photos of your 'English Garden' later this year when the sun is shining its warm rays down, and has encouraged all of your other flowers to bloom. Hasnt God created some wonderful things?

  5. Glad it arrived safe and sound and trust you will enjoy both. Congratulations on your 2 new awards.

  6. That's funny, Mob! I agree with her, Barbara, you sure have been blessed lately! Those gifts look just perfect for you. Enjoy!!

  7. Barbara, you are appreciated and enjoyed...thank you for being there!

  8. Congratulations, dear Barbara!
    The plaque looks so sweet.
    Oh, and it is so cute your granson learning cricket. :)
    Take care.

  9. I just read your book meme which i had missed when i came to your blog yesterday. I think that 'Running for the Hills' sounds wonderful, and it is now on my list of books to buy.
    I also really enjoyed the poem about the will of God, and i have copied it into a word document to save on my computer, i hope thats ok? I was thinking of writing it out sometime as a gift.

  10. Hi Barbara

    Congratulations on your awards ~ I love your angel plaque.

    Marie x

  11. Love and hugs and smiles.
    Love you

    Beautiful treasure troves.
    Love Jeanne

  12. I just realized I did not respond to this post. I must have been reading and got interrupted!

    Of course, you should be the recipient of many, many awards! For your writing, your photos, your stories! You truly deserve them.

  13. Congratulations on your awards and for also winning the give away.

  14. Congratulations on your awards. I love this place and the diversity of your life and interests.


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.