Tuesday 1 January 2008

New Year Blessings


I cannot believe that I have been blogging for a year this month and have clocked up 210 posts. It feels like I have only just got started. Well I guess I have really when I think of all I want to blog about.

I do want to thank everyone who has visited me and left comments over the year, especially for my 48th anniversary post. I so appreciate all your best wishes.
Let me say it has not been 48 years of peace and bliss.
We have been through wonderful times and traumatic times
and in the end it is our faith in God that has brought us through

I am overwhelmed at the response to My Story and your comments are what encourages me to keep writing. If just one person is helped by my experiences then it makes it all worthwhile.
I have been especially encouraged by the E-mails of those who have found my blog through searches on Google and have been helped through reading my story.

I very much appreciated all those who responded and shared their Christmas Day with me. It is such fun seeing what others are doing around the world, so thank you.
I have so enjoyed reading your blogs too
throughout the year

I am aware that I have still not finished my Cotswolds posting but I plan to do this soon
I also promised to do a couple of posts on Winston Churchill’s homes and I have not forgotten. I will get to this as soon as I can too.

So, what’s next? New Year’s Eve I guess
How did you spend yours, I would love to know.

Over the years we have spent ours in many different ways
Parties in our home, parties at church, parties at friend’s homes, midnight services, fireworks displays over London
and sometimes at home quietly on our own watching a film

This year I think was the best
We went next door and had a lovely meal along with 26 neighbours/friends from my street, after which we spent the rest of the evening in praise and worship and prayer, seeking God for the year ahead. Number 8 is the number of new beginnings and that was very significant.

The presence of God was tangible and awesome.

Some of the folk present were going through the most painful and difficult time in their lives and as we joined hands at midnight and praised God for His faithfulness no matter what, there was a renewed sense of unity and purpose.
When we got home we watched a one and a quarter million pound firework display on The River Thames that we had videoed earlier on TV

I know I am privileged and blessed
but I did no get here through my own effort but by the Grace of God who has taken me on a journey of a lifetime, often painful and traumatic but never without His abiding presence


  1. God bless you real good in the New Year and always.
    May 2008 be our best year yet.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  2. New beginnings...that's nice to think about. And I know that there are a few more promises tucked in as well. God is full or promises and surprises, too.

    Your evening sounded very special. Neighbors getting together to ring in a New Year and to support one another in prayer...what a concept!

    Since you asked, my niece called me to say that pizza had been ordered and would I please join her. So off I went and had a lovely couple of hours visiting with her and a friend. Then, since I was just a few houses up the street from my mom and grandmother, I went down to drink a toast to the New Year with them.

    I actually even saw the ball drop in NYC as I was reading blogs at midnight. Some things are so addicting...

    God's very best to you in 2008!

  3. Happy New Year to you Barbara and all the best in 2008 to you and your family.

    We had a quiet New Year's Eve. In the afternoon our grandson & family came to visit. Maybe that will be the start of a new tradition. He is 7 months old today.

    We had a lovely dinner of baked ham and veggies. In the evening we watched a movie and we both went to bed before midnight.

    Today we are getting a snow storm for the beginning of January. I'm just putting away the last of the little village I put up, playing on the computer, reading, and doing some crochet.

  4. We go to bed at 10 (yes, we are officially Duds). I'm really glad to have gotten to know you Barbara.Wishing you a very happy 2008 !

  5. Happy New Year, Barbara! All of God's best blessings for you and Alan in 2008.
    The Professor and I were in Chula Vista (by the Mexican border) with MamaMia and her Marine so we drove home yesterday, finishing the trip by going through Malibu on Hwy 1 to see the ocean, ate left overs for dinner, watched an episode of To The Manor Born and drank some eggnog. We celebrated the New Year coming to Phoenix which is one hour ahead of us. Went to bed before midnight LA time.

  6. Happy New Year, Barbara! What a wonderful way to spend New Year's Eve! It's great to have so many neighbors who would spend an evening praising and seeking God.

    Ours was very quiet. We drank a toast when the ball went down in Times Square in New York City (watched it on TV)....by midnight here in California, we were fast asleep!

  7. Happy New Year Barbara. May all your dreams come through in 2008.
    The other Barbara

  8. You have such a full life. I hope 200 will be full of blessings for you.

  9. New Years Eve was spent with one of my husband and my middle child. We went to an early dinner then to a movie. Today was a fun day with my in-laws coming to our annual New Years day lunch...complete with black-eyed peas, greens( we do spinach and broccoli) macaroni and cheese, pork tenderloin and pineapple. Again, all southern fixins, pretty tasty. We watched football and just visited.
    Blessings to you in 2008. Keep telling the STORY of how great our GOD is! Praise Him!

  10. Barbara, I have so enjoyed finding your blog. What comes through over and over again, what I find so inspiring, is your faith based on how big God has been in your life. You truly give Him the glory and it warms my soul. Your New Years sounds fabulous. We had a big crowd in, with various age groups of our friends, and my kid’s friends. It was fun, entertaining. But not as focused on God as yours was...I must admit I am a tiny bit jealous. Praying with your neighbors, how cool is that!

  11. I've loved reading your entries, Barbara, and look forward to the rest of your story as well as your life story continuing to unfold. Many new changes expected in 2008 - I think a time of thanksgiving and prayer as you have done is a great way to end an old year and begin a new one. God bless.

  12. Happy New Year Barbara. We spent New Years Eve by having 3 of our dear couple friends over for dinner. It was a delightful time.

  13. Happy New Year my dear friend!

    I so love reading your story.

    New beginnings.....a clean slate.....like the baby New Year pictures you see, 2008 is ready to be shaped and molded; what will we do with it?

    We spent NY Eve at a church member's house fellowshipping and then at 11:30 singing worship music until 2 minutes until midnight. We then prayed in 2008.

    Nothing like welcomng it in with friends, neighbors and family.


  14. Happy New year and thank you for all the lovely comments at my blog in 2007.

  15. Nearly a year of blogging, doesn't time go fast? Happy New Year to you and your family.
    Carolyn x
    Willow House

  16. Ive just caught up on your last few blogs, and this particular post brought a tear to my eye. When people have such a sincere faith in God it always overwhelms me. Its very easy in these times to deny or forget about his existance, so whenever i feel a genuine faith in God from someone i always feel blessed to have met them. I was not a believer until i reached 20 (3 and a half yrs ago) and i thank God not often enough for leading me his way and striping me of my arrogance of disbelief. Although we dont follow the same faith, i believe that you are one of Gods sincere followers and God willing he will continue to guide you and reward you with a delightful re-birth in Paradise. Amen. xx


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.