Monday 7 January 2008

Cotswolds Pt. 16 - Cottons Farm, Nr. Broadway

The farm was near to the village of Dumbleton and this is the
old village Well
It was my Cousin Pam who recommended this farm and this sketch
was done by her husband Alan when they stayed there.

Sixteen posts for one week away!

Well I guess it shows how much there is to see in the Cotswolds

I could not finish without showing you where we stayed

Many farms now have self-catering holiday accommodation

and we found this one to be particularly good

They had five cottages in all of differing sizes and all converted from old farm buildings

Although ours had only one bedroom, the kitchen was so well fitted out that I could have planned a dinner party for 10

There were even new toothbrushes in the bathroom

Everything we needed during our stay was supplied

even down to cellotape, flowers and pretty candles

On arrival there was a pretty welcome tray complete with Marks & Spencers cookies

It was a few days before we realised that the tea, coffee & sugar jars were full

There was just one thing I did not like

If I put the light on in the kitchen during the night

there would be a large spider running across the floor

So here is a peep into Cottons Farm

It was a sheep farm

Our accommodation

A converted cow shed and yard

To the left out of sight there was a patio with patio furniture

The master eating an apple and watching TV


  1. Oh, how lovely. I have always wanted to go to England, and the Cotswolds is on my list! My mother-in-law lived in England before the war, and she loved the Cotswolds.

  2. What a lovely and peaceful place to stay. I love that wishing well, it looks like something from Disneyland. Its funny, while reading your post it jogged my memory of a time when I was 13 and my Dad and I went to England together. One of the places we stayed was just like that, a farm, and I remember how quiet it was and how well I slept.

  3. I love your pictures and all that you share.
    Love Jeanne

  4. How lovely and fun!!!!

  5. I think I could just move in there and live forever. I could get wool from the sheep and spin and knit all day!

  6. Looks like a wonderful place to stay, and so well equipped!

  7. Quite charming. My second favorite thing about visiting England (my first being the gardens) was the B&B's. All that charm is just too hard to beat on this side of the pond.

    By the way, what are your holiday plans for this year???

    I hope more gardens :)

  8. Hello dear Barbara,

    You have just won a award! Please pop over my blog to pick it up! :)

    Take care.

  9. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful place!! I've stayed in Broadway, and we thoroughly enjoyed our time in the Cotswolds.

  10. Hi Barbara,
    you've been given an award, check out my blog :)

  11. How beautiful! Makes me want to puddle-jump sometime soon! Thank you for the next best thing-a blogger vacation trip to the Cotswolds!!

  12. It really looks very quiet and relaxing. I could imagine spending some time there as well.

  13. Hello Barbara.....

    How thoughtful of you to have kept some of your beautiful Cotswold tour to brighten a dull January day.

    I have enjoyed my glimpse of Dumbleton immensely, again, this is home territory for me and I think if my memory serves me right, the turn to Cotton’s Farm is on the right as you travel on the road towards Sedgeberrow??

    Lime Cottage certainly looks a sweet place to stay and so well equipped too, even to new toothbrushes in the bathroom, well, that’s an accessory I’ve not encountered before. I wonder..... is the cottage marketed on the owners web site, or through an agency?

    I’ve enjoyed enlarging each picture and looking at all the detail Barbara. I like the way they have potted plants around too, making the rooms so lovely and homely. Its all very well thought out and planned. Thank you for showing us your cottage in the Cotswolds. Marion

  14. I loved the Cotswolds. One of my favorite places in England.

  15. Lucky you. What a nice place to stay.


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