Monday 17 December 2007


Joycelyn if you come back to visit you can get my E-mail address from my Profile if you wish to get in touch.
I cannot contact you without a link. E-mailing me will not disclose your address on my blog.
Thank you for your comments.As you are not a blogger it is interesting to see how God led you to my site.
I am humbled to know that you have found my blog helpful and inspiring.
One never knows how many lives are being touched through this world of blogging.
I understand your struggles, I have been there myself.
However God is ever faithful and knows what He is doing
and He is in the business of changing us from one degree of Glory to the next.
It is when we come to the end of ourselves that God can move in and work His purposes out in our lives.
He is in the business of restoring us into His perfection and not our own.
His desire is to manifest Himself through us to the world.
So hang in there, God will never let you down although it might feel like it at times as we learn to grow in faith.


  1. Jocelyn- God does try to get our attention. At first He gently taps, then He knocks hard and if you don't get it by then you might get pushed to the ground face first. When on the ground face first is when I realized that the way I was living my life wasn't working. I allowed God to be the CEO of my life and He changed my life in so many wonderful ways. Give Him a chance to work in your life. Remember He loves you very much.


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.