Friday 25 October 2013

Spectacular Autumn colours in Epping Forest

As everybody liked my Autumn photo so much thought  I would re-post this from a previous Autumn
This week we went walking in Epping Forest
It is just 20 minutes ride from our home and is the largest public open space in the London area
It covers 6,000 acres
The colours are spectacular this year due to a wet Summer and mild Autumn without winds
I would love for you to come with me into this enchanted forest
I didn't want to leave
I took 70 photographs but we will make do with 25 here
Let's leave the road, park the car and come on in


  1. I've "walked" back and forth through this magical forest several times! How perfectly exquisite!

  2. Hi Barbara!
    What breathtaking pictures.
    We are planning a nice stroll at the New Forest and I hope I can get some nice pictures like those of yours while there are still some leaves on the trees. :)
    Take care. x

  3. Truly God's splendor. Those trees are amazing.

  4. This is really an echanted forest....with golden trees! I like the old trees with their stems in different forms. Thank you for this walk! Last night we had our first November storm which took all the leaves from the trees. This night we'll have our first snow here...according to the weatherforecast. Well, let's wait and see!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. That really is a beautiful walk to take us on. I love the woods especially at this time of year, your lucky to live so close to such a magnificient forest.

  6. Wow! Those colors are amazing. Thanks.

  7. Love your enchanted forrest. Looks like another storybook setting! I can almost hear the cruching of the crisp autumn leaves underfoot.

    What fun trips you do together. No wonder you two are so fit - walking about as you do - wonderful!

  8. It must be a global best autumn ever. We too are experiencing unprecedented beauty this autumn and I live in a desert with only man planted trees; nothing to compare to the beauty of your ancient forests. Thanks for sharing. I would love to copy some of those pictures in case I would like to use some of them in a painting. Let me know if that is okay?

  9. Such wonderful colours. Like walking in a painting of the loveliest sort. A howling wind last night blew most of the leaves off the trees in our area.

  10. Oh my word, those pictures are breathtaking! They almost don't even look like a real place.

  11. Beautiful, Barbara! I can just hear those leaves crunching underfoot.

  12. Those photos are amazing! I love the pictures of the trees with the big trunks, especially the second and third photos. Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing.

  13. Beautiful photos.

    Winter has arrived here :-)

  14. Hard to beat those ancient forests.

  15. Barbara, I'm overwhelmed! Any of these would be calendar worthy. You've captured some beautiful scenes and lght through the leaves.

  16. Fantabulous pictures......Betty

  17. How beautiful and lovely are your autumn scenes.
    Love you

  18. This was such a treat! Thanks for sharing your beautiful walk. Is there anything more spectacular or calming than an afternoon of golden leaves?

    Wishing you an amazing weekend,
    My Messy, Thrilling Life

  19. What amazing photos, and the colours are so vibrant, thank you for that Sunday walk.


  20. I loved the walk through Epping Forest. Beautiful photos with some lovely colours. Thanks for bringing back some wonderful memories.

  21. Oh I could spent hours there! So lovely! thank you for the wonderful tour!

  22. All that beauty is positively stunning, and you certainly captured it wonderfully.

  23. What a special place. It looks like a golden enchanted forest. It really is quiet beautiful and I thank you so much for sharing the pictures. Have a wonderful week. connie from Texas

  24. What a special place. It looks like a golden enchanted forest. It really is quiet beautiful and I thank you so much for sharing the pictures. Have a wonderful week. connie from Texas

  25. Such beautiful autumn colours, thank you for taking us along! Some of the scenes are reminescent of sights in the Vienna Woods and the pond in the previous post reminds me of ponds in the Burggarten and the Stadtpark.
    Belated happy birthday wishes to your husband, I hope he did suggest a suitable gift! :-)

  26. Absolutely wonderful! Breathtaking pictures. Epping forrest I just have to go there next time I'm in London, I usually end up at KEW.

  27. Gerard Manley Hopkins said is far better than I could in his poem: "God's Grandeur".

  28. What a beautiful forest! God certainly painted a lot of color in the world He created and this is just one of His works!

  29. So pretty, Barbara. It's like an enchanted forest covered in fairy dust.

  30. Oh, Barbara. You take my breath away with these. It's as though everywhere you pointed your camera, there was a masterpiece to be framed. God surely makes beautiful things!

  31. I love trees in any shape or form and I do miss the fall colors but only when I forget about the winter that comes after. We lived up to our 20's in Northern England, then 8 years in Toronto and 5 years in Minnesota. Our sons love the snow because they grew up in sunny southern California, but my husband and I have just grown too 'nesh' to use a Yorkshire word, after 40 years down here. Honestly I used to dread the winters. I do miss the wonderful Yorkshire and Derbyshire scenery and the people, and I would love to visit your tea room. After only 6 months in this house, we are beginning to see some opportunities and reasons why the Lord wants us just right here. Like the garden revealing surprises, God is doing the same.

  32. What blissful photos of Epping Forest.
    What glorious beeches - always so good for climbing and swinging on.
    I'm not suprized your photo got a prize!
    Also the scarecrow is excellent.
    I remember making miniature gardens on tin trays as a child - you needed a handbag mirror as the pond.

  33. Stunning pictures. Round here autumn colour is slow to arrive this year. I suspect many trees will lose their leaves tonight before they have a chance to change colour.

  34. These could be a coffe table book. Gorgeous and enchanting, I could see Merlin living there. yvonne


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