Tuesday 13 November 2007


I am soon coming up to my 200th post and as Christmas is coming too
I thought I would do another giveaway
I am giving away this funky scarf made by my own fair hands
I will draw it on Sunday 25th November
So if you wish to be entered then let me know in the comments section

I will continue to publish my story as I am able to get it written and typed
It is encouraging to have such positive comments about it
There is still a long way to go so stay tuned
I should also be able to continue with finishing my posts on the Cotswolds
which seem to have taken a back seat lately
and I have also promised the posts on Winston Churchill's homes
so I appreciate your visits - keep coming back


  1. Hi Barbara,

    200 posts! That is quite an achievement. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

    You have been busy posting ~ I have some catching up to do.

    Marie x

  2. Two hundred posts? Wow! I'm in awe.

  3. 200 posts is awesome! Lovely scarf my dear and I know someone will enjoy it greatly. i look forward to visiting more places with you

  4. Wow..that is alot of posting. I almost committed blogicide last week and gave up. I felt like I didnt know what more to say and if people even want to read about me. But , I am still her , for now. So, maybe if I win something, that will be the encouragement I need :) Enter me !!


  5. Hi Barbara,
    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. What a great idea. I think I'll do one on my blog.
    cheers, Paula

  6. Yes, Barbara, please include me in your drawing for that beautiful handmade scarf you made!

    I quick checked my email before surgery... will catch up soon. God bless my friend! Keep blogging!

    P.S. Feel free to pass the word along about the book contest if you'd like and thanks for your lovely comment.

  7. Hi Barbara, your story gets more fascinating with every new chapter!

    Please also include me in the drawing for your handmade scarf. I'm intrigued that you chose black and white for the photo.

    And congratulations on being almost to 200 posts. Just think, if we had never started this blogging thing, how many wonderful people we would be missing out on knowing.

  8. Barbara,
    I'd love to be entered in the contest. It would be wonderful to wear a scarf knitted by you and sent 'across the pond.'

  9. Congratulations on your 200th post (and all the others preceding it)! What a lovely scarf... and the weather is just starting to turn chilly here! =) Please enter me in the contest.

    I'm off now to read more of your travels... I just read all about NYC and New Orleans (two places I've visited myself, so it's fun to read of another's experiences)!

  10. Barbara,
    You know I was so busy I just skipped over a give away for my 200th post. Now I'm about 210 or something so guess I wait until 300.

    Please do enter me....the scarf would be a great gift. Thanks, Betty

  11. Wow 200 posts. That is a lovely scarf Barbara. I'm making some as well, and you can see them if you check out my crafting blog
    The Crafty Side

  12. Glad I got back to some reading in time to get in on this drawing :o) Please enter my name!!

  13. Barbara, I would be happy to enter your giveaway to celebrate your 200 post. I have enjoyed them very much and I appreciate your sharing your life with us. connie from Texas


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.