Saturday 6 October 2007

Snowshill Village, Cotswolds Pt 5

Another Cotswold village, quite a small one this time
However one of the main attractions there is Snowshill Manor
I will cover this in a separate post
Snowshill was not very far from where we were staying
While there we visited Snowshill Lavender Farm
At this time of year it was closed but we decided to go and have a look anyhow
A very kind gardener there who was painting one of the buildings opened up for us and I was able to buy 5 lavender plants to add to my collection
During the early Summer these Lavender farms are a sight to behold and they smell good too
Of course when I got home my dilemma was, where am I going to plant another 5 lavenders? Needless to say, I managed!

Seconds before I took this picture a beautiful open topped Vintage care drove past
I do wish I'd had my camera ready as it would have made a good picture


  1. It really is a gorgeous little town - love the houses. Isn't this where Kate Moss come from?

  2. I always wonder, "Who lives in those houses?"
    Lavender! You said the magic word!

  3. looks a pleasant place to live ;]

  4. I hope you don't mind but I set the second last photo as my desktop, so inspiring.

    Thank you for todays lovely journey.


  5. The photos are great. I am sure that was a very peaceful place to visit. At least it looks that way. connie from texas

  6. Oh, I hope that one day I can say that I have visited your corner of the world, too. I actually feel as if I am while visiting your blog!


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