Wednesday 3 October 2007

The Fleece Inn, Bretforton, Cotswolds Pt 4

This is the lovely Fleece Inn at Bretforton
It was originally a house where it sheltered a farmer and his stock under the same roof
It became an Inn in the middle of the 1800's
I understand the food is excellent
It is now owned by The National Trust
The Annual Asparagus Festival is held there in May
It was closed when we visited in the early afternoon which was a pity as I would liked to have seen inside.

I think this picture deserves a Caption
Let me know!

An antique shop opposite
I think this deserves a Caption too


  1. Hi Barbara, thank you for your comments on my site.
    Wish I could think of a snazzy caption for that "gents" photo! There has to be one!

    I looked at "The Ark" in large format and was fascinated with that brick work and the multicolored roof too, with it's dots of moss scattered artistically across it.

    At first glance that is just a plain box of a building, nothing too interesting. But upon closer inspection, I spent a long time gazing at it, studying how the bricks were placed in the wall and trying to figure out the pattern. Some are on end and some are placed lenghthwise. And wondering why that small wood beam is inserted at ground level to the right of the door. Amazing!

  2. Oh, I want so badly to give you a caption but I am thinking I'd better keep quiet. Whatever you get, I do believe it MUST contain the word "loo" to make it accurate.

    Am I right?

  3. I came over from Becky's post, intrigued by the "loo" comment. Lovely and interesting pix! My brother and family life in Manchester, and I've become acquainted with Linds through blogging. She's somewhere in England. Have you "met" her?

  4. Another wonderful sharing of your area.

  5. Another village I 'just have to visit'! Did you go into the Ark? I see plates in the window...

  6. This looks like a lovely place. Looking at the map, it's not so very far from my Mum and Dads so I'll perhaps have to pay it a visit.


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