Saturday 3 November 2007

Back to the park for the Autumn Colours

When we visited South Weald park 2 weeks ago the Autumn colours were only just beginning

Gave me a great excuse to go again 2 weeks later and have another walk there

and yes what a difference

Isn't God a brilliant artist


  1. Indeed He is! And that is the one thing I miss more than any other thing since moving to the tropics. I miss the fall color and the brisk temperatures.

    We are blessed this weekend with temps in the 70s so we are very thankful for that.

    Beautiful pictures!

  2. It is like walking in a golden paradise.....all those wonderful coloured, big trees. We are really spoilt!
    Have a nice weekend and enjoy the last autumn days (hopefully with a lot of sunshine!!),

  3. I love your blog so much, ive been reading your posts for a few months and cant keep away!
    Please tell us more about your life when you were younger, you know, the being out on sea and things, ive enjoyed reading about it, although i do also love all the photos you put up, talking about all your little travels!
    take care,
    lindsay xx

    PS:Im new to blogging and would welcome visits to my blogs if you have the time

  4. Absolutely beautiful :)
    I truly believe fall colors are among the most magnificent of any season!

  5. Beautiful time of year, isnt it? Lets enjoy it while it lasts , before long, we will all be posting our snow pictures! well, except for Becky :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love autumn. Up here the leaves have suddenly started to change too, and it is so beautiful!

  7. What a perfect conclusion! Thanks for sharing the fall colours in your world. We have a teeny bit of it here in So Cal. And thanks again for your good wishes for Nikki.

  8. Wonderful, vivid colors in your photos, Barbara. That coral hedge was really lovely. Hope that the leaves last for many more days and that the sun shines so that you can get out and enjoy them.

  9. What a beautiful park that is, with those huge but graceful trees. Love your photos of all the color. Yes, God truly is a brilliant artist! Isn't it great how he paints all this blaze of color in the fall, then all the white of a snowy winter to follow (at least in some places in this world), then spring green and all the spring colors before the summer heat and harvest time. Always something different!

  10. Yes, God is the master gardener. It makes me laugh sometimes how we humans try to make our little gardens so nice and then I look at His masterpiece and how there is no maintenence required and it always looks fantastic!


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