Sunday 28 October 2007

At Ashridge Estate I meet a Blogging Friend

Hi! Everyone, I am back and I am glad you came over. Thank you so much for all the comments this last week while I have been away. I will be getting back to you in due course.
I never know whether to continue with the subjects I was posting before going away or the many new ones I have planned while away.
I think this time I didn’t even need to think about that as you will see.

While at my daughter Janie’s (From under the Maple) we visited Ashridge Estate. This magnificent varied estate runs across the borders of Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire along the edge of the Chiltern Hills. There are some 5,000 acres of woodlands, commons, and chalk downland supporting a rich variety of wild life and offering splendid walks through outstanding scenery.

Now here is the surprise

Barbara and Linds from Rocking Chair Reflections

How cool is that!

The Monument

We begin our walk to the bottom and it was really steep as we got further down

Linds home is approximately 90 miles from mine but probably only about 55 miles from Janie’s. Knowing that Ashridge was somewhere between the 2 I asked Linds if she would like to meet up.
Her immediate response was, “Meeting up would be fun”.
We already had in common the fact that we both went to sea with our husbands, so here we are together at Ashridge.

We planned to meet at the visitors centre tearoom so as the weather was good Alan and I were sitting at an outside table when I looked up and saw Linds in the distance walking towards us. I knew it was her immediately and waved, as she did me.
Although we have never met before it felt like we already knew each other.
The place we met was on a high ridge in the parkland so after a quick lunch we walked a very steep path through the woods, down to a pretty village, Aldbury, at the bottom.

The old village stocks

Every village has it's historical Parish church

Yes that is the top of the ridge over there

We walked around Aldbury taking photographs and chatting non-stop like we had done from the very beginning. It was interesting to see just how much we had in common.
So thank you Lindsey for agreeing to come, it was a pleasure to meet you and such a special thing to meet a fellow blogger.
It was even worth the fact that we had to do a 20 mile detour on the way there due to a road closure.

Alan hanging around while we take photos

Alan and Lindsey had plenty to chat about too, reminiscing on life at sea

We are on our way back through the woods now and it is amazing the different colour spectrum in such a short time

Something else we have in common
If you go to Linds blog you will think I am lying
She has Autumn decorations done by her sister who lives in Switzerland
I certainly have not seen this before in the UK but I did say I could see it coming


  1. Oh WOW Barbara!!!!!! I am soooo delighted for you two!!! I must admit also that I am green with envy that I wasn't there too!!! And, I am wearing colbalt blue today and it is clashing. hee hee.

    No, you two are among my favorites, you know that, and I am just delighted and grinning from ear to ear. Can't wait now to hear Linds speak of it :o)
    ((hugs)) this way, since I can't get the pleasure in person :o(

  2. Those are some fabulous photographs! It looks like you had such a great time, I want to visit a place like that sometime soon. I especially liked how they still had the stocks from way back :P Last thing I expected to see!

    I think it's great you met a fellow blogger. I've had the pleasure of doing that once, it was a priceless experience too :)

  3. What a wonderful treat for you and Linds! And thank you for sharing your day with us. I'm so glad you're back, as I've been checking daily.
    I'm getting out my map!

  4. At last! Now I can put up my post. And can I just say to your readers who may not know me, that Barbara is an absolute delight. We hardly paused for breath and the conversation flowed from the first minute we met.

    I loved meeting you and Alan, Barbara, and I am sure we will manage to find another place to explore in the near future!

  5. What a blast to meet blogging friends and to find other points of commonality! Plus, you had gorgeous places to visit together. Glad to have you back.

  6. Thanks for the very timely comment on my blog! It was just what I needed today.

    I too am jealous of all the lovely places you get to go visit so close to home. Thank you for taking us along.

    I can't wait to see linds fall decorations. I have found it so amusing that it is mostly an American thing.

  7. Barbara, I am so happy for you two! But like Susan, just a wee bit envious......

    The pictures are fantastic.....I really like the red phone booth. I saw one in Chattanooga for sale and would liked to purchase it but how would I get it home! The homes and scenery in your pictures are so interesting.

    I saw Seal on tv and he is from
    Romfort, isn't that your location?

    Missed you while you were away...thanks for the visit...Betty

  8. Ahhh, it's so nice to have you back!

    Now I have two new blogs to visit. I love visiting blogs.

    As always, you have the best pictures and look as if you've had the most marvelous of times. Very exciting!

  9. What a wonderful visit. I love that you two got to meet and be together.

    And the scenery. You Englanders sure do know a beautiful scene. Just lovely. I was fascinated (historically that i) with the stockades. Amazing!

  10. I'm glad you two had the chance to meet in real life. I loved seeing all the beautiful pictures of you both enjoying this scenic spot.

  11. Great pictures and I am glad you met up with a friend.
    Love Jeanne

  12. Hi Barbara, Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. What a delight to meet Linds! I've talked with her on the phone and hope to meet up with her next summer when we come over there. You are so right -- I love visiting England!!

  13. Hi Barbara,

    How wonderful to meet up with some blogging friends ~ it is such a pleasure to meet and it is like seeing an old friend. I met up with a couple of friends myself this weekend ~ one of whom I had never met and we hugged like we had known one another for years.

    What a beautiful place to visit.

    Marie x

  14. What a fun excursion! And what a double blessing to meet up with a blogging friend! Wonderful!

  15. I would love your email. I am not sure how to do it on here privately.
    Did notice the Afganistan thing, not sure how that happened, guess I better fix it.

  16. Barbara,
    I had never heard of him either, but saw him and his wife, Heidi (a Model) on tv the other day. He said he lived with his biological parents until he was about 4 and then lived with foster parents for a few years. One of his foster sisters was found and gave him pictures from his childhood....until then, he had none.....Betty

  17. What a delightful post ... a beautiful walk in a fabulous English town with family and blogging friends. I love these photos.

  18. I love your photos. I thought the one of the "stocks" was funny because my maiden name is Stocks.
    I would love to have a cup of tea in that teahouse. What a beautiful country England is.

  19. Great that you were able to meet up with a blogger friend.

    And the pictures are fantastic - as always! Love the greenery.


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