Tuesday 14 August 2007

Rockin' Girl Blogger Award!

I love skies and this one was no exception. Taken at the back of my house the night before we went to Leigh.
Now down to business. Marie of Wild Rose nominated me for the Rockin' Girl Blogger award.
Thank you Marie I am honoured.
As I did not know what this award signified I suggested to Marie that I could just make up my own!!! However I got a little more organised than that and found the originator of the award through Google. Here is what she said: Someone who you feel is:
Inspirational, Funny, Kind, Sweet.
Well I hope that is the case.
You can find everyone on my sidebar
So I forward this on to 5 others:

Maddy's Glass House
Tales from Pixie Wood
Susie's Space
Jeannie's Bliss Blog
From Under the Maple


  1. Congratulations! Well earned award, Barbara :-)

  2. Congrats on your award and thank you so much for paying it forward to me!
    Your sunset photo is truly gorgeous :)

  3. Thanks so very much for thinking of me and Congratulations my Sweet friend.
    I love you dearly.

  4. Congratulations Barbara and thank you for for thinking of me as a "rocking girl" woooo hooooo!

    Your sunset was amazing, very beautiful.

  5. I just found you via Willow House! Congrats on the award! I'll be back to read your blog regularly.

  6. Congratulations!! I think that this is a wonderful award for a wonderful rockin' girl!!!

  7. I know England has had too much rain this summer but don't clouds make incredible sunsets? I love them.

  8. A well-deserved award for you Barbara....Congrats!

  9. Now thats what I call a beautiful sunset. Great photo !!! Congratulations on winning the award.


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