Thursday 2 August 2007

Oxford Colleges

A few photos of 3 of the Oxford Colleges. St. John's, Balliol and Trinity.

(More to come later)

Scholars were attracted to Oxford from the 12th Century. By the 14th Century there were 3 Colleges. In the next 600 years a further 32 Colleges were added. Each one is a seperate community which together make up the University.

A few of the famous literary people that attended different Colleges.

All Souls College (1438) Christopher Wren

Balliol College (1263) Hilaire Belloc, Aldous Huxley, Neville Shute, Graham Greene

Christ Church College (1546) Lewis Carroll

Hertford College (1740) Evelyn Waugh

Magdalen College (1458) Oscar Wilde, John Betjeman, C.S. Lewis,

Merton College - J.R.R. Tolkien

Somerville (1879) Womens College. Vera Brittain, Dorothy Sayers, Iris Murdoch

St. John's (1555) Philip Larkin, Kinglsey Amis

I wish it had been a brighter day as the colours are much more stunning than those here.


  1. Enjoyed the list of the authors.

  2. Such a beautiful place. Everything is so well kept and tidy. I do love my tidy!!


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