Saturday 25 August 2007

A Different Perspective

Yes, I did spend most of my day in the garden today enjoying the sunshine. I have been working on writing more of "My Story". It is one thing writing it but another getting down to typing it on the computer. I got as far as the time when I was living on the ocean today and got fired up with all the interesting events myself. I will post a chapter at a time once I get them typed up on the computer.
Apart from that I dozed in the sun and ate a tasty lunch wishing that you all could join me.
I had my tea indoors as I wanted to watch the DVD of the film "The Queen" starring Helen Mirren. After that I did my ironing and here I am back where I began this morning, posting a blog. How's that for addiction!
Everything in the garden has a different perspective when filmed from a prone position on my lounger! At this time of year, and especially after the weather we have had, there is little colour and everything is looking a little tired.
So this is how it is today.

I did have my feet in this picture but then decided against it! They did not add to the ambience of the picture.

The fish were sun bathing too.

In case anybody is wondering from previous posts, I have not shown what was to be my new Gazebo. There was a part missing when we eventually came to erect it and it was proving so complicated getting it, that we have accepted a refund and it is going back. I will reconsider next Spring.


  1. Your photos are delightful today. My camera is calling to me!

  2. Just lovely. Prone is a wonderful way to spend a relaxing Saturday. I would have needed a book to keep me company.

  3. I love your seating. I think you should have left your feet in :o) Were they bare feet? he he

  4. It's good to see a person enjoying the sun and the garden on a pleasant day. And this is the first time I've ever seen fish sunbathing!!

    I thought Helen Mirren did a fabulous job as the Queen in that movie! Not sure about the Tony Blair character though...

  5. Your garden looks so lovely, Barbara! I'd love to take a seat on your bench and admire all the flowers and roses!

  6. How absolutely charming, Barbara! I love the view from your chaise.

  7. Oh sorry, I think I wasn't very clear in my Saturday post. That's not my son; the photo is of our friends. Yes, the older boy is getting tall! He is taller than both of my sons!
    I did enjoy my tea!

  8. What a lovely relaxing way to spend your day.

    I really enjoyed The Queen when I watched it a few weeks ago.

    Marie x

  9. You have a lovely garden with many corners to sit and take it all in!
    I love your lounge where you took time to relax and enjoy your garden.
    I also sit and look around and say ahhh...yes the garden looks good..whenever I take time to sit and enjoy...something we gardeners MUST do..enjoy the fruits of our labor! hugs NG

  10. Wonderful way to spend a Saturday.. you have quite the view from your chaise lounge, you should have included your feet! :)Your roses are so lovely, and all the wonderful places to set and take in all the beauty!! Nice pic of your fishes enjoying their sun bathing! ;)

  11. I'm so jealous!! You have that wonderful spot to lie down in. And your garden is always so gorgeous!!

    I have seen the Queen, quite an interesting movie actually and I liked it.

  12. LOVE gardening! Love English gardens :). I also enjoyed The Queen.

    Looking forward to reading your story!


  13. Barbara,

    The lounge looks very comfortable....

    I watched 'The Queen' recently and thought it was pretty good. Wonder what the 'real' queen thought of the portrayal of 'the queen'.


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