Sunday 12 August 2007

Creative Names

Susan of Penless Writer put out the following challenge to me.

Write 8 of your blog friends names in a unique way and post them on your blog. Then come back over and let me know when you have done it. You must write the blogger's name that tagged you, then add 7 others and tag them. Be creative and if possible use the natural wonders of the world!

So here are the friends that I am passing this tag to. I really found this tag fun even though it took me a while to be able to get around to it. As you will see, I have used a different medium for each of my names, but this was not required you can use just the one medium for all, this was just the way I wanted to do it.
Have fun.

Susan in Hawthorn berries - ripening rather early this year

Britt is in the wet sand

Linda in freshly picked blackberries - these are early too

Ginger in fresh root ginger in a ginger coloured photo

Janie (my daughter) in unripe Acorns at the foot of the Oak Tree

Lorrie in mixed leaves from the garden

Betty in Seaweed

Isobel in rose petals
This is what Susan of Penless Writer wrote about me
Of Ramblings from an English Garden. Barbara & I have about decided we were twins and we just didn't know about the other. I've already written about all the things we have in common. What we do not have in common is her beautiful English Garden which is such a delight. Also, she has retained her slim girlish figure and mine has vanished! She has given me the biggest shock so far in blogging when she phoned me from across the pond. I'm still reeling from that one and loving to tell everyone about it.


  1. I don't know if I will have the energy to do what you have. I think it will take me a while as well. I am not creative in the way you are.

  2. So creative and lovely. Great way to display those names! I think I liked the blackberries best. They are big and juicy looking. Our season is in late May and we sure to enjoy them right in our own backyard.

  3. Oh Barbara it is lovely and well worth waiting for :o) I love my name and have already put it in my pictures. I love the thornberry - the name depicks what I hope to be .....a thorn than makes you look for the berries in life. I'll bet it will show up some place, some time!!! he he

  4. How great is this! You out did yourself! It's wonderful and very fun to look at everyone's name. Although I think having my name in ginger is very creative, I must say I love the rose petals, too. They are all grand.

    Thanks for including me in your fun and hard work :)

  5. Wow that is very creative! I'm having trouble thinking of one thing to do mine in, and you find several!! Good for you!

  6. You did a great job!! Very creative!!

  7. Barbara,
    I am so pleased to see my name in seaweed but more especially that you took the time and energy to do that.

    I get to the names as soon as possible.

    We have just gotten home a few minutes ago and haven't quite finished unpacking the van....just couldn't wait to get on line.

    Hope your week was relaxing.....God bless....Betty

  8. How creative you are! Those blackberries look so ripe and delicious. Fun meme!

  9. Wow, you are creative. I'll have to think about this for a bit - but it's a fun challenge.

  10. VERY CUTE, Barbara! I love your creations :-)

  11. Hello Barbara,
    wow, what a lovely picture. I really loved to see my name in rose petals, how sweet of you.
    Thank you very much. Would it be too much if I asked for a copy of the picture? ;)
    I will be making my list as soon as possible. :)
    You asked when I will be going on my visit to my homeland. It will be in a couple of months time, but I am already very excited about it.
    Have a great week, dear Barbara.

  12. Fantastic, I enjoyed this, very creative

  13. Wow I love how very delicate and unique each name is!!
    Very nice!

  14. How lovely indeed.
    Love and hugs and smiles.

  15. What a lovely creative way to spell out your friends names. I have enjoyed looking through your blog.

  16. Oh my you had your thinking cap on today! GREAT! hugs NG

  17. WOW! That's fantastic. I don't kow if I'm able to do that.:-)

  18. WOW! That's fantastic. I don't kow if I'm able to do that.:-)

  19. Oh, this is so much fun. Seeing my name here written in sand :-)


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