Monday 2 July 2007

Rain and More Rain

It is still raining! So much rain and so cool and windy.
The wettest June since records began.
My heart goes out to the occupants of the 27,000 homes that are badly flooded in England at present.
This time last year we were sweltering in 86 degrees.
I can't remember how long it is since I took delivery of my new Gazebo, bought so that I could sit out in my garden without burning up. It is still not completely unpacked.
When the sun comes out we will put it up and I will show it to you.
How I wish we could package up some of the rain and share it with those who are suffering drought and would long for some of what we have.
The upside - well our pavements are clean, our greenery, gardens and fields are the lushest green. We will not be having a hose pipe ban this year. The weeds come out of the ground easily. The bird droppings get washed off the windows. The car needs much less cleaning.
"Sometimes God calms the storm, and sometimes, He lets the storm rage and calms His child.


  1. What a wonderful way to look at such a disaster. We too have been blessed with rain ... finally!

    Have a lovely week, I can't wait to see the gazebo.

  2. What a great post, Barbara.
    I completely agree with every word.

  3. We are miles, and miles apart, with an ocean in between but we are having identical weather!!!!We have had rain 29 out of the past 33 days and more predicted until next Tuesday.

    Like you said everything is beautiful lush green. We have a green belt behind our property with huge trees, plus the huge trees in our yard. The other day I looked out the back french doors and said to Mickey "This is how I picture living in the rain forest". I think it's nice God gave us a little taste of that.

  4. What a wonderful quote about God leaving the storm raging.
    Lovely to see more family pics in your earlier post.

    Annie x

  5. Rain is always so good - well not for the flooded houses.

    Just in case you want to know who is the dot in Portugal in your Cluser Map: it's me - I come here often.

  6. It's obviously your fault we've had so much rain this summer - you bought a gazebo!!

  7. "Rain, rain go away, come back on Mrs Irwin's washing day."
    A rather unkind adaptation from childhood.

  8. Hello Barbara. I was wondering how your garden was doing with all this rain. No I know it's as green as mine! We had a flood yesterday, though thankfully it didn't come into the house. I do have a few photos of it on my blog though. Spent all morning tapping away writing it up. Nothing much else to do, but hark .. a break in the weather. I'll take Badger the dog out for a quick walk before it starts raining again!

  9. Blessings to you my lovely friend.
    Love Jeanne

  10. Yep, I'm very thankful for our rain, but because of it some of the people who get their water from one of the dams have to live as if in a drought because the water is becoming contaminated. But I am so thankful for all the rain. On Independence Day we saw fireworks while the temperature was in the 70's! In my 65 years I don't remember such a thing.

  11. We need the rain here! Surrounded by salt water, our sandbar cries for fresh water.



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