Thursday 26 July 2007

I Phoned a Precious Blogger Across the Pond

On Sunday evening I telephoned Susan of Penless Writer
I was excited to call and Susan was blown away at receiving a call from England.
Susan and I have E-mailed back and forth but how was I going to get hold of her telephone number without her knowing so that it would be a surprise.
I managed to do this and couldn't wait to pick up the phone.
Susan has given me permission to copy here the post that she wrote on her blog.
She has expressed so well my sentiments that I could not do it any better.
So curtesy of Susan's blog I pass on the following.
Sunday afternoon, after church and dinner, I decided to lay down on the couch and take a nap. Something I rarely do during the day. The phone rang and Mickey answered it and said "Honey, it's Barbara from England". Now talk about waking up fast!!!!

Sweet Barbara called me. WOW!!!


This totally knocked me off my feet and thrilled me beyond belief. Almost speechless, which for me you know is rare!!

Barbara and I have e-mailed back and forth quiet a bit but I never expected a phone call from "across the pond".

Barbara and I have a lot in common. We are both in our late sixties, both have long, successful marriages, both mothers, and grandmothers and both have worked outside the home extensively. We both have done extensive traveling and love to travel.

The truly amazing thing is that we both worked for the Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association in the 60's!!! Me here in Tulsa and Barbara in Liverpool, England.

Now I ask you what were the chances of that?

We share our strong Christian faith and heritage having served Jesus for years.

We adhere to the belief of Victorious Christian Living, that we truly are "more than conquerors through Christ Jesus our Lord".

Barbara had such a sweet, very British accent of course. I love that!! I have always found the British accent to be so proper and impressive and she certainly was.

Be sure and go check out Barbara's blog if you haven't. She has one of the most lovely English gardens. Oh, how I would love to sit and chat and share a cup of tea with you there Barbara!! I told her I thought the chance of her coming to America again (she has made many visit here) was better than the chance I would ever come to England.

Thanks again, Barbara for blessing me so with your sweet call.
I was v ery blessed to read these comments of Susan's and it made it all so worth while to know how much she enjoyed the call.
N.B. Barbara has only worked outside the home on a voluntary basis


  1. Hi Barbara,
    I read the story of this on Susan's blog today :)
    I've been able to have phone chats with a few blogging friends and I must say it adds a whole new dimension to the friendship..

  2. That was such a sweet and thoughtful thing for you to do for Susan. I know it meant the world to her. It made me excited just reading it. Have a good weekend. Connie from Texas

  3. That is really sweet! It is so great when we get such wonderful surprise over the phone.
    Lovely post!


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