Tuesday 26 June 2007

What's left after the rain?

Went for a walk in my garden after breakfast today to see what was of interest after the rain. Apparently we have had the worst rain storms in 50 years. We can forget the roses until they come into their second flush later in the Summer.
At least there is a lot of lush green.
I am also getting bored with garden postings so will move on to other subjects of interest. For now, my garden today.
Colourful Spirea


Minature Thyme
More Lavenders
And More
Two Coloured Spirea
How do they do that?

More Spirea

A battered Rose
Shrub mixture

Spireas again

And again

Lacecap Hydrangea just coming out


  1. Glad to know that you survived the rain, and the garden seemed to come through it not to badly. Do you make lavender sachets with all that lavender? When I was young my sister and I used to make them in the summer and give them as Christmas presents to all the female members of the family. The mere smell of lavender can take me back to my childhood garden.

  2. I love lavender fragrance.

  3. Its not that bad - infact garden is looking quite pretty .
    Tk care ~

  4. What a nice garden you have! It seems you like roses as much as I do... We also have at the moment very heavy rain here in Switzerland. And in April we had the summer weather which we are now longing for.I enjoyed visiting your blog!
    Have a good time!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous my lovely friend

  6. I'm sorry to hear you've been ill, and hope that your recovery is complete. Your garden is lovely in spite of the rain. We got back from our lovely trip to find delphiniums and roses in bloom. It's been cool here and my tomato plants are a little behind.

  7. Dear Barbara,

    Thank your so much for visiting my garden blog and leaving such a nice comment!

    My garden has a German "flavour"? Interesting, I've never thought of this before. What kind of details are you thinking of? What, in your opinion, does the English garden differ from the German one?

    Best wishes from Germany,

  8. Rain in Britain, draughts in the south of Europe.....we hear alot about it in the news up here in Norway.
    Seems like your garden still looks very beautiful.

  9. Looks like you have a gorgeous and very colourful garden. I love all that lavender.

  10. Barbara
    your flowers are gorgeous as always..wish we could share some of your rain....we continue to be a drought.....thanks for visiting and commenting....Betty

  11. Your garden is still looking lovely despite the deluges.

  12. Thank you also for your visit. Next time you'll be able to read an English text, so your husband won't have the work to translate!!!Have a nice evening.
    Barbara (from Switzerland)

  13. I am sorry for the roses, but the rest of the gardens still looks gorgeous. I love the lacecup hydrangea!

  14. Barbara you have a gorgeous garden! I would so love an early morning walk in your garden, with my camera in hand. xoxo


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