Thursday 28 June 2007

Romford Market

This picture is of my home town Romford, taken in 1905. It shows the Market Place as it then was. If you look carefully you can see some cattle on the left. At that time the market was primarily a market where farmers brought their cattle, horses, sheep, chickens etc.
When we first came to live in Romford in 1965 it was no longer a cattle market but a general market. I remember the main bus route went right through the centre of the market.
Today is is a paved area without traffic and sells just about every imaginable commodity in over 300 open air stalls. It is the largest in the country and people come for miles around.
It is now over 750 years old.
Below you will see some photos that I took recently. It was early in the morning before it got busy and unfortunately there is a lot of shadow as it was a bright day.

Whenever we have had American friends to stay (and there have been many, believe me) they just love it and insist on spending a morning or afternoon there.
I could never list the things one can buy there but think of anything from meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, flowers, clothes, bathroom stuff, kitchen utensils, books, videos, C.D.s, plants, haberdashery,curtains, material, eggs, cleaning products, blinds, mirrors. You name it, it's there.
I remember when my children were living at home and we were having so many guests staying one could often go to the market late in the day and buy amazing bargains of gluts of vegetables and soft fruits and the like. Really good when making jam.

Family Continuation

This is to make my daughter Jane feel better. The previous family photo was the only, fairly recent one, that I have of us altogether in one photo, even though it certainly is not the best of any of us.
So here is Jane with Oliver just a few weeks ago without her post pregnancy flab!

Wednesday 27 June 2007


My Son-in-law, daughter, me, my son and my husband.

I'm bored with garden photos for the moment so as so many of my blogging buddies have been posting photos of family, here is my contribution.

This photo was taken last January. No special pose, we just happened to be altogether in one place at one time with my cousin there to take the photo. Why we do not have Oliver in the picture I am not sure, so here is a seperate one of him at 10 months old.

Tuesday 26 June 2007

What's left after the rain?

Went for a walk in my garden after breakfast today to see what was of interest after the rain. Apparently we have had the worst rain storms in 50 years. We can forget the roses until they come into their second flush later in the Summer.
At least there is a lot of lush green.
I am also getting bored with garden postings so will move on to other subjects of interest. For now, my garden today.
Colourful Spirea


Minature Thyme
More Lavenders
And More
Two Coloured Spirea
How do they do that?

More Spirea

A battered Rose
Shrub mixture

Spireas again

And again

Lacecap Hydrangea just coming out

Monday 25 June 2007

Before the Rain

I took these photos before I was unwell and am glad that I did. Since taking them we have had almost 2 weeks of torrential rain and storms. The garden took a battering and much of the blossom disappeared over night. The roses were so heavy with water that they were drooping their heads and many had lost their petals. We Brits are known for obsessing on the weather, the reason being that on the whole we cannot rely on it from one day to the next. Holidaying in this country, even for a few days, and we have to take clothes for every weather occasion. I know there are many longing for rain and I do wish we could share some with them!
However, for us personally, a little damage to my flowers is nothing - there is much flooding in many parts of my country today, homes, roads, fields, so we have a lot to be thankful for.
Our Conference Centre Open Day took place in lovely warm sunshine and on the dot of 4.0 pm which was official ending, the heavens opened once again.
Our church/school site maintenance day it rained and rained and rained. However it did not deter us and much gardening and outside work was completed in the rain. It did mean though that more work than planned was acheived on the inside.
So maybe this year April changed places with June. We had a lovely sunny and warm April when traditionally that month is known for much rain.
For now, let's walk out of my Utility door and into my garden. Enjoy with me.

Sunday 24 June 2007

Lunchtime Roses

Just to let you know I am still here. Wow, almost a week without posting. I had lots to catch up on after being unwell and lots of gardening to do after weeks of torrential rain. Also this week/weekend we have had Open Day at the Conference centre that I am invloved with and Site Maintenance time at the school belonging to our church.
So just an "hello" until tomorrow.

Tuesday 19 June 2007

Giveaway Posted

Greetings Cards Giveaway to celebrate my 100th post have now been posted to Betty. I will not tell you what I sent as I do not want to spoil the surprise for Betty. You know my dear husband Alan caught the spirit of the game and offered to pay the postage. Not that it was a lot, but still, wasn't that nice of him?
Having not been very well recently I have missed blogging and catching up with everyone's site so plan to do that and see what you are all doing. It's only a week since I went visiting but it seems like ages.
I have lots more beautiful garden photos to post too.
Greetings and Best Wishes to everyone.

Sunday 17 June 2007


Thank you all so much for you kind comments, best wishes, love and prayers. I am on the mend. It was not the end of the world but very unpleasant all the same. My daughter Jane came to sleep over on Monday, bringing Oliver of course, as she had an 8.0 a.m. appointment at her dentist. As she lives an hour away on England's busiest motorway, the M25 London Orbital, but still has her dentist in this area, this was the easiest option for her. Normally she would collect Oliver and then take him to nursery and continue to work herself. This time she was having a 2 hour appointment for 2 root canal treatments so was planning to spend the day. Oliver had caught a tummy bug at nursery the week before and although he seemed over it, it became obvious while he was with us that he was not. So Jane stayed on to work from my house while we looked after Oliver. Soon after Jane went home on Wednesday I went down with the bug. Very unusual for me. It lasted 3 days and I have lost 5 lbs. I have spent most of my time sleeping or just lying on the bed and am now trying to get back into eating again.

As soon as I began to feel better I was keen to know who had won the Card Giveaway so here are the pictures.

Congratulations Betty of Country Charm

Betty do let me have your address and I will get them to you as soon as possible. My E-Mail address is:
Thank you to the other participants in the game who were: Becky of The Butler's Wife, Susan of Penless Thoughts, La Bellina Mammina of The Mad Household of Indemini-Capri, Sioux of Siouxsue, Isobel of The Cozy Corner, Sarah of Sarah's Home, Diane of Candid Reflections and Grace of Charity Grace and Maddy. Maddy, there is not a link on your comments so I am unable to contact your blog or know what it is called.

Thanks everyone for taking part - it was fun.

Saturday 16 June 2007


Sorry, I have been unwell for 3 days and as soon as I am feeling better I will do the draw for the card giveaway.

Wednesday 13 June 2007


Would you know which way to go?

Sorry! It's the Traffic Light Tree - see it in the centre of the roundabout!
Canary Wharf, East London

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Monday 11 June 2007

Rose Colour

The pictures speak for themselves