Friday 11 May 2007

I Asked for Strength

Have been checking some of my favourite blogs and now have to go and prepare a dinner party for tonight so thought I would just leave you with this. Have a good weekend one and all.


I asked for strength, that I might achieve,
He made me weak that I might learn
humbly to obey...
I asked for health, that I might do greater things,
I was given infirmity, that I might do
better things...
I asked for riches, that I might be happy,
I was given poverty, that I might be wise...
I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men,
I was given weakness that I might feel
the need of God...
I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life,
I was given life, that I may enjoy all things...
I got nothing that I asked for, but everything that I had hoped for,
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered,
I am among all men, most richly blessed.

This poem was found on the
body of an unknown soldier of the Confederate Army,
Killed at the battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War.


  1. Barbara,

    So true, so true...I'm so very happy that the Lord didn't answer some of my prayers by granting them.....His ways are so much better....

    Happy Mother's Day, even though I don't think this Sunday is the day you celebrate it, but 'Happy Mother's Day' just the same......

  2. I love that poem. I haven't seen it in awhile and it always speaks to me.

  3. That is quite a powerful poem Barbara. Thanks for sharing it today. Hope you have a lovely dinner party. Do tell me it will be in your garden :)

  4. I know it will be a lovely dinner party!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  5. An important lesson for all of us to learn. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  7. I heard this poem on Premier Radio today as I was driving to Church; I came home and googled it and came to your lovely inspiring website. I'm trying to find my way/my identity and purpose in Christ and so far it has been a long hard journey with more downs than ups and if the truth be known at times I have given up and shaken my fist at God like Jeremiah because He didn't seem to be giving me what I was aking Him for. Learning to see, hear and trust God through His answers to my prayers is proving tough but I praise Him nonetheless and probably more desperately through each new hurdle and each valley. Thank You for sharing your story, May God continue to rain His blessings on your life as you remain faithful to Him.

    Joycelyn, (39) wife and mother of three, (London)

  8. This poem may have been found on a soldier in Gettysburg, but it was Phillips Brooks (December 13, 1835 – January 23, 1893), whom originally wrote the poem.


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