Sunday 1 April 2007

Vanilla Melting Moments Recipe

Having invited my blogger friends to afternoon tea yesterday I have again been asked to supply the recipe by Isobel. So here goes.

Biscuits: 6oz self raising flour, 4 1/2 oz cornflour, 2oz icing sugar. 8 oz butter, cut into pieces. 1 tsp. vanilla essence. Butter icing: 2 oz butter, softened. 4 1/2 oz icing sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence.

Preheat oven 160C/gas 3. Place flour, cornflour and icing sugar in a food processor and whiz for a second. Add butter and essence until it comes together. Roll mixture into balls the size of a big marble and place on baking tray with space between each. Dip a fork in cold water and press down on each ball to flatten slightly and score top. Bake 15 minutes until still pale in colour but slightly firm. Remove from tray and place on wire rack. When cool spread with icing mixture and sandwich together. Dust with icing sugar . Can add melted chocolate if liked.

Extracted from Rachel's Favourite Food at Home by Rachel Allen.

Isobel also suggested I do a separate blog for recipes like Cherry. Maybe something to think about for the future, but I am not committing to that right now. Sorry.


  1. Thanks you Barbara, I have copied and pasted the receipe into my folder, and will make them for Easter tea. You are in my list of blogs I read - have been since I found you. You are such fun to visit and see how much further ahead in spring you are then us - I am living my garden vicariously through you.

  2. Oooo how delightful. "Whiz" is a wonderful way to put it. I guess here we would say something like "process" or "blend" or some such boring thing. I can hear your lovely accent through the computer :)


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