Wednesday 28 March 2007

March Colour

I have not been out of the house at all today. I have spent the day organising my computer files and backing everything up. One of those jobs that I intend to do and never get around to, thinking one more day won't matter. I should know better as I did have a total computer crash a couple of years ago. After my daughter Janie lost all of Olivers photos in a computer meltdown recently I thought I had better make it a priority. I know I should set a date once a month but I have always got more interesting things to do on my computer. Just a quick look at some March colour

And the topiary that gives some interest to the garden in the Winter and some structure in the Summer.
All these pots have been started from cuttings or plants not more than a few inches. The standard Bays began their life as 3 inch plants and it has taken me about 12 years to get them to this maturity. Worth it in the end as they cost so much in the nurseries.


  1. from a brown thumb to a green thumb...your garden is beautiful! I just don't have the skills with gardens but love spending time in them...Nel xo

  2. I love every picture you share of your English garden.
    Love and smiles across the miles.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  3. what a beautiful garden you have Barbara - such an inspiration! I should take photos of my mom-n-law's garden & post them on my blog too.

  4. Your garden look great. And other days will come for you to enjoy it :-)

  5. Delightful scenic beauty made all the more appealing through your detailed photo's.

    Blessings to you and your kind comments much appreciated.

  6. Hi Barbara! I just browsed through your beautiful blog, and it's very refreshing! Such a sense of peacefulness in your pictures of scenery. And as a grammie, myself, I can relate to your love for that little sweetie of yours. He is so cute!
    Thank you for your sweet comments and for visiting me. I will be back to read more.

  7. Wow, each time we see your garden its just divine! Better than a magazine, true English garden!


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.